Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Plot twist “Waldo finds himself”after all the puzzles I have studied that said where is Waldo. Children love playing this game as it is a challenge as to who can find the most Waldo's first. Waldo finds himself in the twist of the plot.

There is a man at the cancer clinic who spends hours there getting treatment so he has a puzzle that he works on while he is there.
Thinking about the message at church on Sunday and realizing one more that the parables of Jesus are a puzzle for those who read from our worldly point of view.  In the parable of the talents Math:25: 14-30 Jesus addresses his listeners who know  what it is like to be treated as slaves under the rule of cruel bosses.  Those who perform well are rewarded and those who fail are severely punished.  This how the world treats and rewards those who succeed and punishes those who are weak and afraid.  Instead of entering into the joy of the master's success and receiving words of well done from the heart of a good master who welcomes all and knows that each one of us is worthy of praise!  God is good not a cruel master!
I have always puzzled over this verses until you see the meaning from a new light.  Just as children delight in discovering new things like the stars or a shiny rock or a little bug God wants us to delight in the knowledge we are loved and do not deserve to be treated harshly as slaves.

PB180803Our plans for the day change as Tavia, one of Cathy's girls come for a nice long chat and visit.  The girls are all so busy it is a rare treat to have a visit.

Later we drove in to have a visit with Carol and Panteli and see all the work that has been accomplished.  She will call us if we can help when it is time for dry-walling.

N0 I did not get to check out the vitamins but maybe today.

Life can seem like a puzzle some how and we wish we had all the answers but we live by faith in the hope that some day we will understand why.


Sandra said...

Read your blog first thing this morning but did not get a chance to comment. Reminded me that I have not done anything new for a long time. It sure brings a zest to life that can other wise be missing. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Good stories about puzzles, are one creative gal!
The word "puzzle" makes me think of the jigsaw puzzles I do online and how much fun they are to do. Magic puzzles is the name of the app.

Carl received his 7 hour infusion of the drug rituxabab yesterday at the Bayshore Clinic in Winnipeg. It is a little worrisome when you see the crash cart in the room in case they need to use it. He did well and is feeling very energetic and talkative today due to the 100 mgs of prednisone they gave him to ward off any adverse effects of the drug. He will be "wired" for another couple of days. This is his third time receiving the same drug and it has helped him a lot with pain and swelling.

We left early in the morning, in the dark and came home after dark. It was a long day.

It was nice to have an unexpected guest drop and for a good visit...I see you and Larry are good at "going with the flow".....changing your plans to fit the day.

Well it was another good day, wasn't it?

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I think that would be a very tiring day for you Nancy. Also having so much pain difficult for both of you to cope with. A few good days can be a blessing.

Yes it was a good day
love beth