Tuesday, November 18, 2014


A sunny morning I have a choice to walk to Boundary Park where there is a small man made pond with lots of ducks enjoying swimming and nesting on the banks.  It is a longer walk for me and good for an afternoon stroll.



I choose the shorter walk to Coyote Creek as I have not been doing my morning walking but talking instead.  I feel like I am fighting off dad's cold so I decide to have a restful day.  I did end up visiting my neighbor who is still having problems with her thinking.  It must be very hard to believe you cannot fight the inevitable and something bad is just going to happen.
Kim and Oliver are in helping Carol again and Kim has shoulder pain from unused muscles.  Tearing off very stubborn wall paper is tough work.  Sorry dad and I missed Theresa who also came in on Sunday and stayed for supper with Sandra and Randy.
From my brain book "The Female Brain" I learn that 60% of your brain is fat and it needs good cholesterol to keep it healthy.  The thyroid also affects the brain and the testing by doctors has been inadequate.  As we age we are more vulnerable to such conditions as heart disease and stroke.  There are vitamins that can replace some of our deficiencies and an improvement in diet is even more important now.  B vitamins support the adrenal system and can help you deal with stress.  5-HTP is a calming supplement that boots serotonin levels and supports sleep.  Also L-theanine, relora, magnesium, holy basil, ashwagandla, and rhodiola.  I think we will pay a trip to the vitamin store today.
Adrenal fatigue can also be helped by natural stress management techniques, such as laughter, deep breathing exercises and meditation.  And learning how to correct negative patterns.  It is also important to watch sugar intake which can cause high and low blood sugar levels.
He even recommends a 400 calorie salad made of spinach, salmon, blueberries, walnuts, and red bell peppers to boast your energy.  If you over eat you bankrupt your brain as well as your body.


Sandra said...

That reminds me, I am suppose to be buying one of the things on the list of your brain vitamins. If you go out the pharmacy at Scott Road and 84th is the one my naturopath recommends and I need something she says they carry. Keep up that fight against the cold. Is dad on the road to recovery? Sandra

Steady-as-rain said...

I'd have one of those salads!

