Sunday, November 23, 2014



What a surprise when the sun came out and the rain we had anticipated did not happen.  A good day to be out in the yard and blow the leaves off the back patio and then dad went for his bike ride.

I had had a bad night with many trips up and down to the bathroom, so did not feel like walking. Sometimes you cannot trust the food when you eat out.  Did go later in the afternoon with Haiti.

PB220828Kim was happy it was sunny as they were making an outdoor kiln for their pottery.  It stays in there until Monday.

 She had left us a nice salad for lunch which was very appreciated.

Enjoyed the blue blue sky and the sunshine.

Yes, sometimes life just sucks and painfully leave scars. 
We plant our gardens knowing there will always be weeds.  If we pull up the weeds we need to plant more plants to fill the space.  Weeds are negative feelings about the unfairness of life which can make us feel bitter and angry. 

In this garden of life I know now I have to takes responsibility for my own happiness and not expect others to make me happy.  I have discovered that when bad things happen there is a inner strength that can carry us through.

There also is great happiness when we sacrifice to make others happy!

As I set out for church I anticipate that I will take in something good that will help me spiritually
and hopefully a better person.  Jesus reminds us to open our ears and to listen.

Woke up to heavy gusts of wind trying to blow the house down and the last of the leaves will be set free today I anticipate with certainty.


Anonymous said...

We are sanding drywall today. Life goes on. xo Panteli

beth bennett said...

Thanks for the update.

love beth

Steady-as-rain said...

Glad the sun was out for a while. I hope you enjoy church!



Sandra said...

Maybe Christmas shopping today, slow start to the day as I Skped with Mary and Simone then Shawna and Lincolnn. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Last of my early shifts . Have a upset tummy , but came into work anyway as there is no one to call in sick to at 2am???? Looking forword to Canucks game on when I get home at 1:30pm.

beth bennett said...

That does not sound good Ken. Hope you are able to enjoy the game, and get caught up in your sleep.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Sorry to hear you had a bad night is so uncomfortable... I hope it has passed today and you are feeling better. Eating out is always a hit and miss thing for me too...we are so restricted in what we can have.

How wonderful of Kim to leave you a salad for lunch...she is a good granddaughter!
We had fresh veggies and dip for lunch with a bowl of pea soup.

Today was the second anniversary of our dear daughter in law's passing away from cancer. Melodie Ateah. I felt stronger until I read the sad message her father wrote on FB....and then lost it. She was like our daughter...we had her for 25 precious years.

We had freezing rain and ice pellets all day and then the temperature started to plummet from 0C to -15 with a strong wind and just as we sat down to supper the power went out.

We ate by a camping lantern light....luckily my cell phone worked and hydro said it was a major outage over a large area so we got ready for bed as it was getting cold. Just as I climbed in to bed the power came on! yay! So Carl can watch his football and I can watch netflix!

Have a good night's sleep tonight Beth.

Love, Nancy