Friday, November 28, 2014


Our house looks a little like Christmas.
I put money into Santa's kettle so I think I am in his good book now!
 I also visited Jim who is feeling very poorly but he gets up and sits in his chair and people say hello to him so that is helpful and kind. 

Carol dropped by for supper that Kim made for us all.
Such a good healthy supper with lots of veggies.

 Prayer is fragile as these tiny dew drops and yet it releases power that renews our strength, courage for each day and hope especially for those feeling hopeless.

I found this prayer in a book called Gap.  A story of a young women's struggle to survive.

"Lord make us thankful for the privilege of being alive to see this new day.
Make us grateful for the honor of your presence and blessing.
Make us thankful for your love, which is showered without condition on our unworthiness.
Help us to grow in wisdom.
Help us to see your face and your love in the faces around us and wherever we look in the world.
For there is no place your love has not gone before us.  - Robert Morgan

Trust that the good Lord will be with us and those who are fighting for justice and for change.
Help us to find comfort in our moments of grief and pain.
Know that He is with us in our work, in our family and in our joys and illnesses.

"Every person is a hero in his own life.
And no matter how often we feel insignificant, we know that in our depths that something in us comes from God.
The profoundest moments of life are the ones that tell us we matter to someone and this to me is the essence of faith and the essence of love.  -Randell Wallace  the novel "The Touch"

I put on all my rain gear but then the heavy rain stops except for a could that dumps a little as I walk.  I meet my little Japanese grandmother and she takes my arm and walks me up the hill.  Do I look like I need help?  We laugh as we walk together.  I miss having someone to walk with me.

Praying that all the victims will be heard and there will be changes in the way we treat each other and changes in our police force's actions.

Thankful the wind did not blow our power off.  Thankful we do not have to drive in snow (just yet).


Anonymous said...

The house is coming along. We now have two young men who cousins just graduated from BCIT and lokking for work. One of them has worked a lot with his dad doing drywall and painting, so he actually knows what he is doing. Yesterday they scraped the popcorn crap off one ceiling and they (and the whole house) were covered with dust. The guy in the YouTube video made it look a lot easier than it really is! Panteli

beth bennett said...

I guess they can make it look easier and creating a lot of dust is not so good. Great you have these young strong men to help.
It seems like a learning process for you all.
love Beth

Steady-as-rain said...

I'm glad you found someone to walk with.

It is nice that the house looks colourful for Christmas.



Anonymous said...

I'm watching the CAnucks inane before work, 15:00-00:30. Hopefully an easy night after two very busy afternoons. Sydney runway 34L was closed for about two hours causing all kinds of delays to East Coast Australia.
Sunny and warm . Matthew says I should walk to his school and I would lose some weight cause I am kinda fat.
(20km away) just an idea he had as we went for a walk with rocky.

Sandra said...

Out of the mouth of babes.. : ) Went and helped Carol wash glue off the walls for a couple of hours then home to do school work and laundry. Randy still on graveyards but he has to go out for dinner tonight so he is having a short nap. Why don't you and dad drop by tomorrow afternoon, Randy would love to show off his new TV and tell the story about the deal he got. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

That is a lovely prayer, Beth. thanks for sharing.

Your house looks festive with the lights on now.....I don't see any lights on my neighbours homes....but the lots here are acre size so we don't see much with all the bush. I put up our lights last weekend.

Is that little Japanese grandmother the one who does not speak English? If so, you would be doing a lot of head nodding! That is cute that she took your arm and helped you up the hill!

My goodness Carol and Panteli sure have their work cut out for them in their new home. wallpaper and popcorn ceilings have to be the ultimate test of new home owners.

I hear the mountains are very snowy and glad that we don't have to travel through them, like we used to every winter.

I thought I hoodwinked the deer by feeding the birds on the top shelf of the bird feed...but the largest buck stood on his hind legs and tilted his head sideways and stuck his tongue out sideways and licked the top shelf almost clean of seeds....I guess we are going to have to build a third story shelf. I chased him with the broom and swear he was laughing at me as he slowly left the yard. In five minutes he was back again.

Snow tonight, so we will wake to a soft sparkling clean world.

Have a good evening,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Scratch that invitation for tomorrow, I am having lunch with Susan. How about Sunday?

beth bennett said...

Say hello to Susan for me,

Sunday we are going to Stewart McLean in Van.

Nancy you are brave or crazy! lol

Love to all. Drive carefully.