Monday, November 24, 2014


PB230836How can the ancient history of Christianity become alive and real to us today?  How can it become meaningful?

The morning after all the rain and wind leaves our cherry tree bare of most of its leaves.  All night we heard the power of its force as it blew against our window and our house.  We are reminded again that we are powerless against the force of nature and only by joining together can we survive.

By the time we arrive at church the sun is shining through the stained glass windows.  We are reminded of the light of the presence of Christ.   
A young family comes to church to have their twins baptized.  The youngest of 7 children.  The twins, a boy and a girl were adorable and they made this service very special.  Every birth is a miracle and a reminder of the love that draws us into the Light. We will be remembering the birth of the baby Jesus as the time draws closer to Christmas.  The other young children gathered around as the babies were baptized with water and oil.

The lights are going up on the streets all around us.  It will be time to get the manager scene to place on our mantel.  We do not fully understand the embarrassment that both Mary and Joseph felt at the unexpected pregnancy or the stigma that Jesus would grow up with being called of a bastard conceived out of wedlock.  Do we really know the poverty of this young couple having a baby in a smelly and unsanitary stable.

How sad that there is still fighting over who can worship at the Holy Mount.  A site that has been declared sacred by the Jews and Islam and the Muslims.

As Christians we find meaning in the words that declare the time is coming that true worshippers will worship in spirit and in truth knowing that all may carry the life and the spirit inside their hearts.  The best gift of Christmas is the gift of life and love.  A love that conquers fear and feeds the hungry and welcomes the stranger.

For each one of us that has know the pain of imperfection we are now being healed and set free.  It is not who you are or where you are but where you place your trust.

"Love only wants a genuine response"  -Gayle D. Erwin.

Every life has value and meaning.


Sandra said...

Randy and I were at home yesterday morning getting ready for our walk, watching the walls of rain coming down. We got our rain hats, umbrella and rain pants on and headed out. By the time we were done our walk it was beautiful and sunny.

Got our shopping done. Got my homework done, but did not get over to see you guys this weekend. Good to know Kimberly is there keeping things under control.


beth bennett said...

Our neighbor Cathy came for a nice long visit which was good for dad and I.
Kim went out and did a big shopping while I trot over to the Safeway to get a few things or dad and I pick up one or two items. I am very unsure about
Worried about Chris.
love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Baptisms can be kind of fun.

The good thing about Christianity is that it was formed when it was an outlaw organization and so it was sceptical about religious and religious hierarchy.

The Catholic church had to stamp out that history and was pretty effective in doing that.

