Sunday, September 8, 2024

God knows

 Iam thankful that I can trust 

God to be with me,  I am having a quiet day.  Sandra has helped me get my blog going.  I am going to Carol's house for supper.

a sad day here a lady my age fell and hurt her head and died n hospital. 

I think I look a little sad.

Visited neighbors last night and this morning.  I go walking and they invite me in.
Happy people are so friendly. 

Last night watched a movie on the main floor.

God loves us us.  Yah


Sandra said...

Hi Mom,
that is great you were able to get your blog entered before Carol came to pick you up for dinner.
Next I will see if I can get one of your cameras to connect so you can put pictures on.
That was very sad that a simple fall turned so tragic, shocking for everyone there I am sure.
Have a good day.
Love Sandra

Anonymous said...

How sad about your friend where you live. Life is so precious. Happy to hear you are enjoying your home and making lots of friends. We now have a fully fenced back yard for Daisy and us to enjoy. It is so lovely to complete these house goals of ours.