Thursday, September 12, 2024


 Success at last.  Was hard to get the computer started.j  Hard to get my thoughts thinking,  Nice Kim phoned this morning.  Laura also called and will come and see me soon.  Rick arrived at this normal time and we drove over to the libtary.  I was not going to get any books but the temptation was too great,  The library is actually in walking distance,

Rick also did a little shopping.  Spenser kept me company.  He is slowing down.

I lost another tooth to the dentist's pulling.  I am a little toothless.  I should not smile l but I keep forgetting and do it anyway,  Things will be fixed next month.

Thanks Carol for the delicous muffins.

I enjoyed a good visit with my friends at lunch.  I will have a quiet afternoon reading.

But first I need to go for a walk.


Steady-as-rain said...

A walk? After walking around the library?

Shandel said...

How fun to be close to the library. I also have a hard time not buying books. I think it's great you keep smiling even with some missing teeth. Smiling is so beneficial. It is chilly here lately and we are trying to still enjoy the fresh air on our days off. Happy Friday the 13th.