Monday, September 9, 2024


 Have you ever wondered why there are things you love to do and others you find a real task

I blieve it is the way God fine tunes us.  We are all so different and uniqune.

I am who I am and who I am bei\ng created to be.  Often things we do seem meaningless but nothing is meaningless.  

there is a purpose for all the gifts we have been given.

a PURPOSE that helps to strengthen others and give their life meaning.

The fire bell just rang.  I opened my door but both doors leading to the dining hall and to the hall where closd.  I was shut in.  I do not think I like that.

Happy to have visiters.  Craig and Leah and the girls were lots of fun.  Spenser is funny in his own cute ways,  Happy Rick and him visit today.

we I have been created to become.


Anonymous said...

If the doors are shut do you know where to go?

Client Strengths said...

Happy to see you blogging again. Our uniquness makes a difference in this world. = nice.

Steady-as-rain said...

I will go over the fire-door thing with you tomorrow.

Shandel said...

That would be very important information to have regarding fire doors. Hopefully they do drills with you guys so you all know where to go to get out safely and timely. I would think staff would come to assist.?