Monday, June 21, 2021


Yes I have many blessings to count.

Right now I am sitting in a wonderful chair that supports my back.

Dad is out watering the flowers.

It was wonderful to drive over to Sandra and Randy's along tree lined streets.  The light shining on them gives them life and beauty.  I do love trees!

We enjoyed a real meal and happy company.

One of my greatest blessings in life has been my openness and reptiveness to prayer.  Sara prayed for me when my pain was very bad.  I was curled up on the bed with the heatng pay.  She prayed in her language, She is from Brazil  The pain left for a few  hours.

I am thankful for books to read.

Dad took Spenser around the Safeway.  He loves the grassy places to pee and poo.

Sara made us a delicous healthy meal.  Boy it was good.

I am so thnkful for everyone.



Steady-as-rain said...

It is wonderful that you are feeling well enough to notice the light on the trees along the road.

I am glad Sara seems to be working out nicely.



Ken Bennett said...

Sara sounds like a great fit. I believe you have some fantastic weather at the moment . I hope you can go for a walk and enjoy it.

Shandel said...

That is so good to hear. Home cooking from someone else is the best. Everyday we send you lots of healing energy. Have you been out for any short walks? We are in a heat wave. Thankfully it cools off bit at night. Today is Daisy's first time going to our groomers house for a doggy day care day. I hope she has fun exploring the acreage and being with a few other dogs. Hope she doesn't get herself into trouble! Lol

Sandra said...

I hope you and dad are feeling stronger every day. If nothing else it just feels better to have the house clean.
