Monday, June 14, 2021


 Sorry I cannot put pictures on.

Craig came over with the girls all dressed in pretty dreses.

They came earlierr but we did not hear the knock on the door.

Fortunately Craig phones.

Their excitment was contagious.

Watching them play was wonderful  So much energy.

Sandra came on Sunday to help dad do our taxes.  That wa exciting and very helpful.



Ken Bennett said...

That's good to hear. I hope the weather is nice there now.

Steady-as-rain said...

Glad the little ones came over.

Do you and Dad get the second vaccination shot? Probably a good idea to get that done soon.

I went to the grocery store today during the lunch hour. When I got home I was over-heated even though it isn't hot here today. I am like a car with a low radiator. If I operate at all I get very hot.

Glad you got the taxes done - thank goodness for Sandra!



Sandra said...

Now you just need to call CRA to get that last question figured out!


Shandel said...

You can put old pictures, but not new ones? Does that mean it's the camera or the computer..hrmm. old photos are always fun to see too. How lovely to visit with Craig and the girls. How are you feeling grandma? How is the knee?

nancy-Lou said...

What a wonderful cheery visit from Craig and the girls! I bet they have grown since I last saw pictures. I would like to see some, if you can get them on your blog Beth.
Good to know that families can visit. It has been a long time since we were able to visit with anyone, but now we can visit up to 5 people. From two different families.

Are you going to have home care? That would be such a big help to you. I have friends who have home care and it is a big game changer for the whole family! I know it is difficult to come to the decision and admit that we need help, Right, but it is kind for the family too, they won't have to do as much and worry too.

It has been hot for quite a while and today and tomorrow are even hotter with humidity coming back. We have a long day tomorrow when we take Pedro in to the vet clinic to have 14 teeth removed...poor guy and he is only 6. We will have 8 hours to kill because we cannot drive home and back again and then home. It is 2 hours each we will go to Winnipeg and catch up on some things we want to do. Get take out and eat in the park. You cannot sit down in a restaurant in code red.

I hope you and Larry have a good day today...sending healing thoughts for you both,
Love, Nancy
PS, forgot to say that the fellow from Victoria Beach who has been missing for 8 days is declared dead by the RCMP. They are looking for his killer. He is reported to be in the beaches area and a really bad guy. Has guns and police uniforms and other weapons.The fellow was involved in drugs and theft. I knew him from a kid...taught him in school. We bought pickerel fish and wood from him and I taught his daughter piano lessons.
So hard to see someone make bad choices in life and to be murdered. He leaves a lovely young daughter and his DAd. So we are tightening up our has always been a peaceful area and now Meth addiction is taking a toll.

Ken is a martial artist in Kung Fu and also Tai Chi, a teacher too, but he is going to be 72 soon. But still in great shape and strong so I feel sorry for anyone that tackles with him. I try to wrestle him around and he just laughs at me...LOL. Hopefully they will catch the killer soon, but people are freaked out.
We will get security cameras.
You can check the MB news if you like. Clifford Joseph and the suspects name is Eric Wildman.

There are others in the beaches area on Meth too, from what I hear it is all over.

nancy-Lou said...

OOOPS forgot to say, Have a great day, you two! Love to you both,