Sunday, June 6, 2021


Whatever I do today I have great memories to bless me.

This is good as I am in a lot of pain.
I am finding it hard to pray.

Lifw shoud be beautiful and full of wonder and joy!
There should be purpose and meaning.
There ain't '
There is the struggle to keep going,

I write  LOVE letter to Alba.

I sat to her and to each one inmy family
whereever you are,
whereever I am love you

Jesus tells us the same truth,
Love strengthens us all.
Have the courage to beieve that Gis closer than you think.
He works by giving you more courage than you thought you had.



Sandra said...

Hang in there mom. Next week will be better than the past week and you will be busy moving stuff around and losing it in no time.

Steady-as-rain said...

Writing a letter to the new great-granddaughter Alba is a very good idea.

I am very sorry you are in pain. I wish we could all do more to help. Hopefully you are drinking lots of water.

I wrote to a local neurologist here in Kamloops on Friday and hopefully that will speed up the referral so I can actually see a neurologist soon.

As Sandra says, next week will likely be much better than this week.



Mary said...

Those are great memories Grama! I love looking through the photo albums you made for us.
I’m excited to see you and Simone and Sebastien are even more excited! Love you❤️ Mary

kim said...

Sorry that you are in pain Gramma. I look forward to seeing you in the summer and spending quality time with you guys and Alba. Love Kimberly

Ken Bennett said...

Hey Mom, Hang in there I'm sure there are better days ahead. The good news you passing stools, which should help with the pain. Like you, my knee is sore. Maybe they can give you a new knee? I'm too young, but it will be an option in 6 years.

nancy-Lou said...

Awe Beth, I am so sorry to hear that you are in pain. Perhaps lying down with a hot water bottle or a heating pad may help? You sure have suffered haven't you? I am hoping that each day this week you will feel a little better and pretty soon you will be all better!

You'll make it OK? Are you being followed by a doctor? Maybe have an appointment to see what is going on with the bowel? It is hard getting old isn't it? You are always so brave. We are finding getting old a little bit hard too and we are just in our hip is bothering me. it makes it hard to do the daily exercises and tai chi, but I do it, and work through the pain. I am afraid if I stop I won't be able to get back to it. The exercises and Tai Chi keep me really strong in the muscles and tendons and ligaments which support the joints. I haave to keep on chugging.

There are better times ahead! Just think you will be able to see and hold your new great granddaughter Alba soon! How about that!

Wishing you and LArry a good sleep tonight and a much better day tomorrow,
Love to you both,nancy

Shandel said...

I am so sorry to hear Grandma. I wish we could take the pain away or atleast help. We look forward to visiting and getting a hug when we visit. I pray next week will be better. Sending love.