Tuesday, June 8, 2021


There is always some light in the darkness.
New flowers are bursting out saying  "Hello World"
Amazing varities amazing colours.

Some one will have an ansewer to pray today.:

This day is worth celebrating
new possibilities and new faith and hope/!

I wake up happy feeling so much better.
I feel like I could conqer all my problems.
Slay them one by one.
My prayers will carry me through the day.

I am thankful for all the good doctors and nurses whoud have helped me.
When you enter a hospital you see so many people in pain and suffering.
I am so thankful to be home

Yes the world is full of suffering but if we hold hands and walk together]
feeling loved and looking for beauty
we will find new strength and renewed hope..

So many unanswered questions as we struggle to be healthier.
I am thankful I can talk to Hamlet too.

I have a list of things to do.
I want to walk to the oark and put a little something in the library box.
I want to enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful grass and trees.
I love seeing the little children running on their little legs.
They are full of life and energy.

I will welcome joy into my heart as I do what I can.
I may only get one or two things done today but I will enjoy doing what I can.

Beauty fills my heart .

Your prayeers are blessing me!



Anonymous said...

Happy is good! And sunshine is great, even if it is a little cold out there.

I am starting the slow process of getting ready for Mary and kids. Moves some beds around last night.

It is funny, but kittens seem to love the chaos when I am pushing beds and dressers all over there room and have piles of pillows and blankets for them to jump on. I have to be very very careful not to cover a kitten up accidently. Momma cat hid in the cubby with a blanket over as she would be stressed. But once I closed the door and watched on the camera she had just as much fun jumping up and down and checking out all the changes.


nancy-Lou said...

Now that is music to my ears Beth! So very glad you are feeling much better and happy.

Soon Mary will be coming for a visit and you can have fun with the family...at least I hope you can! I am not sure what the restrictions are in BC, but I know that we are the only ones in lockdown now. Covid is still a serious thing here and we cannot see anyone outside of our homes..only those who live there. It has been a long time and we are sure tired of it. But until they get a handle on it, things will stay shut down.

There are 91 people in ICU here in Manitoba hospitals and 36 who had to be flown out to other provinces because we cannot care for them. The hospitals are overloaded. Many of the people are philipino and aboriginal who didn't take the vaccine. Now they say there is quite a few cases of the Indian variant here. All I know is it doesn;t seem fair to the ones who have got the vaccine and isolated.

We went to Winnipeg and picked up the PC express groceries I ordered on line. they shop for you and come out and load your car. Very easy and convenient. I think I will order like this even when the restrictions are off. There were three long lines waiting to get in the store...they can only have 10% capacity. We just shop once a month and had a large order..$600. I am still putting away things! Living 250kms away from Winnipeg we need to shop big and not often.

I can just see all the fun Sandra is having with the kittens and momma cat! what is going to happen to them once the children and mary arrive? Stay in their room? The kids would like that!

It is very hot here and has been for at least a week. 30C, but I am not going to complain! the gardens are growing like crazy.Ken ordered raspberry plants and he had to plant all 10 of them after we arrived home from the city. He picked them up at the post office.

How is Spenser doing? Are you able to get him out for walks? Does the neighbour boy help out too? How old is Spenser?

Pedro loves ken...he snuggles up to him on the couch and gets lots of pets. He loves pets. in fact, when people ask what his name is, ken replies, Pet Me! He has a cute way of turning in circles when we come home and talks and talk, telling us we were gone far too long. He is 6 and has big dental surgery coming up next week. 14 teeth out! poor boy. but he is all done his antibiotic for Lyme disease and he is all better. a month of pills.

Well I have to get busy sorting out books..my son brought me boxes of them I had stored in the guest house...

Be sure a drink lots of water Beth..i always have a glass handy. Having a water cooler makes a big difference in wanting to drink water...it is so good and cold. Just a thought for you!

It is another wonderful day, isn't it? Wishing you a lovely evening,
Love to you both,

Ken Bennett said...

Wow, that's great news you are feeling better. Melina's new job has a lot to learn . She will decide by Friday if she wants to stay or go back to her old job. Cold and wet here.
take care Ken

Steady-as-rain said...

Glad you are feeling better, Mom, but don't get too carried away!



Catherine G said...

Thank you for inspiring me with your words, Beth--faith, gratitude, and love. Bless you.
love, Cathy.

nancy-Lou said...

How are you doing today Beth. Wednesday? I hope that each day brings you better health.

Love Nancy

Sandra said...

I hope you had a nice nap in your clean house after the ladies left.

Dont beat your self up over decisions that in hind sight might not have been the best. Walking to the park in the middle of the night might not be something to repeat too often though.


Shandel said...

This is wonderful to hear Grandma. Very cute and fun to leave little things in your neighbourhood box. Always sending prayers and love your way. Hope your getting excited for Mary and the kids to come visit. It will be a breath of fresh air im sure. ❤❤