Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We are waiting and counting the days for Sandra and Randy to return from Australia. It sounds like they had a great time and maybe they will want to move there too. But then it would be too far away from Edmonton where they love to visit their children.

Michael John and Mary have done a great job looking after the house and the dogs. A busy time for them both as they are working as much as they can to help with fiances. School and jobs are a hard role as Kim knows too.

Mikey is waiting for his spine and hip injury to get better and it is looking better than first diagnosed. He may be back to work sooner than expected but I do not know if that is wise.

Oliver should be here now at Carol and Panteli's starting his course as a coast guard. Weekends back to Victoria to work and see his girl friend.

Larry had blood work done yesterday so we will be waiting for the results till Dec. 11. I worry about every little pain he has especially the last few days he has been having head aches.

I have put up a few lights outside and inside that brighten up our house. The street is looking very colorful and a good reson to take some little walks around the neighborhood. Dad had a walk yesterday a little longer this time. Waiting for his energy to come back is hard.

Today I really need to clean up the house because I have been doing Christmas cards and writing my letter but I do not think I will do this anymore.

At church they talk about advent as a time of waiting but I have put up my manger scene and yes baby Jesus is there already.

Waiting for a visit from Melina and Ken to meet Jessie and Matthew will seem like a long wait.

We are waiting to hear what Rick is doing for Christmas? ? ? Has he not heard? does he not know family secrets are forbidden now.

There is always room here for anyone and I will make sure any noisy clocks are removed and you do not even have to get up early dad certainly does not.

I guess we are waiting to see what our government are going to do whether there will be another election and the whole situation seems unstable to me. Who can do a good job?

Right now I am waiting for sleepy head to wake up and make his porridege. I may go help at Oak Ave United where them give warm clothes to the children and extra food etc. This place is run mostly by older women and it can be tiring sorting through clothes etc. So I am waiting to see if they phone and ask me to help.

Right now I am enjoying my morning coffee!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mom,

No I hadn't heard about family secrets having been abolished. Sounds like an interesting concept, but maybe highly utopian?



Anonymous said...

Well Rick - regardless of the comment (and I think it is valid) Mom loves a comment on her blog - she is thrilled.

Anonymous said...

Well, if we never stive for utopia not likely we will get there. I think personly that my life is boring so I think you all who have more interesting lifes should share them. : ) Hence, the not keeping secrets concept.