Sunday, December 7, 2008



I had just walked home from the store and found dad with a huge bag of Christmas delights. Some one had rang our doorbell, left this present and drove off into the dark of the night.
I think he was the nearest to speechless than I have ever seen.

The beautiful colorful card said from "God's Elves'" wishing us a Christmas full of happy moments, warm memories and peace. "You are a blessing in many lives." It was the perfect gift for a day when both our spirits were extremely low.

Words cannot express how this surprised lifted our spirits.

Thank you I have several ideas who it may be but it is only a guess!

Yesterday we had open the very special presents Sandra and Randy had brought bad from Australia from Ken and Melina. Hey Guys I thought we were not going to give presents! ! !
We were thrilled and really felt loved.

We both feel discouraged because we get tired so easily and often can not do what we were planning. I did not get my cards mailed and dad did not get extra lights;
but I did return my over-due books and he got some paint for the messey stove burner.

Everyone is just so kind to us and we have the best most womderful family in the world.
To know you are loved is the most precious gift of all.

Thank you dear ones who ever you are. Thank you from the bottom and the top of our hearts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mom, you have to keep in mind that some of us who are much younger get done a fraction of what you do on any given day. You and dad may be slowing down, but you are way ahead of the curve.
Love Sandra