Monday, December 19, 2022


                                                  Yes we realize that at our age life changes


                 We arew content just to sit inside warm and safe and watch the snow fall.  I am going through old writings of mine and I am even impressed by some of what I wrote.  

Our characcter is being formed even when we are not out trying to change the world. There is a story about the wings that are being formed on our back.  One day we will be able to fly to heaven because we have learned to be content.  It is much easier to be busy busy and keep going.  

Strength is not found in our achievments  but strength can be found in solitude and contentment,.  We have time to pray and meditate on what is important in   My friend meekco is coming to walk Spenser.


Yes we are content to just sit inside and watch the snow making the world so beautiful.  We know we do not want to fall and end up in hospital.  My friend Myecko is walking her dog and Spenser.  Laura is also willing to do this.

We were surprised yestersday to hear Rick shovling our driveway.  He continued to do a lot of clearing off our sidewalk and make sure other sidewalks are clear.  He has done an amazing job.  We are so thankful and appreciate his extreme hard work.  

We have told him we do not want him to over do things.

The snow will only be here for the next few days and we have promised Sandra to stay home and stay safe.

Shovling snow is a risk business for anyone at any age,  Rick take it easy.  Please take care of yourself too.

I have started a major project going through old papers.  I have discovered things I did not know I had

writen and I am impressed.

I am making a big mess but it is keeping me busy.  

I love reading so I am happy to do this too.

Dad is happy just to rest a lot.  We have enjoyed tge soccer and now the  hockey.

Others in our family also have to change what they were used to doing.  I may get old and fat but I am still loveable!

God allows us to fail and to suffer because there are lessons we only learn through suffering.   We learn compassion and humility.  

We have many lessons to learn.

The birth of a child is painful but the joy lasts forever.

Laura is learning some important lessons as she she how we re- act.




Steady-as-rain said...

It is good your friend Meico is walking Spencer. I will be out in the morning as I believe it is snowing now. I will be careful not to over do it.

Steady-as-rain said...

It is still snowing pretty hard. So I will wait and come out in the afternoon. Safer. Lets them clear the main roads.