Wednesday, February 9, 2022


                                                       The Ending of a life is very sad.

                                                                The service was beautiful.

Kathy was very tearful as she told the story of her mom's live.  I had met her a few times when Kathy lived across the street.  She seemed a warm and very kind person.  

She was a woman prayer who prayed  daily for Kathy and her brother.  

Kath's aunt  has been with Kathy during this time.  The niece  spoke and ended her short message with a funny little dance.  

She had promised her aunt to dance at her funeral and she did.

There were just a few old people there with a few family members.

We had coffee with Kathy and as we gave her a final hug we could tell it was a relief that it was over.

We got home in time to rest for a few moments and then off to White Rock for dad to see his cancer doctor. He had a sore spot  off the top of his ear.  It had freezing so he was not in pain.

I decided to go into the huge Save on Foods store instead of waiting in the waiting room..They do not like two many people waiting together.

I had a very long walk to find my bread.  I grabbed a few other things while I was there.  My legs felt weak as I headed out the door.  The trouble was I went out a different door.  I walked around and around the parking lot and no car.

People asked if they could help but I said I would eventually find it.

I eventually did went I found the right parking lot. 

I felt very shaky by this time.  I had dad's phone. If I went to look for him we would miss each other for sure.

I have never felt so panicky and couldn't wait to get home.

Glad this story has a happy ending




Sandra said...

Good job doing all that walking! Though at the time you probably did not enjoy it, you keep saying you want to get stronger.

nancy-Lou said...

That must have been so hard Beth. It is upsetting not to know where your car is. If it happens again just ask security snd they will drive you around to find it. You must have been exhausted. So sorry to hear you lost a friend. I was just thinking of how many family and friends have passed on. I am 77. Healthy and hope to live many more years with Ken. Thank goodness for him. I wouldn’t want to go through the pandemic alone. Now we have all the protesters causing Canada so much trouble and a weak prime minister who won’t take the proper steps. I don’t know what this country is coming too. Our lively peaceful Canada is changing for the worst.
It was another snowy day. The ei dried from the grader are almost as high as me and I am 5 ft8 inches.
Ken was out agsin tday to shovel and blow snow.
We really need the moisture
Love to you both, Nancy