Monday, February 21, 2022


Took time to walk around the pond.
The wind had turned very cold.

We had spent the day reading.  Dad has a new book.
"The Year That Made Canada"

I am reading 
"The Monastery Of The Heart."
To become aware of our spirituality
is the work of humility and thankfulness.

Dad was very happy to have a phone call from Lucas.
We appreciate his keeping in touch.

Dad wanted to ask Rick his opinion on the use of the Emergency Act.

Kenny feels strongly that there was no choice in the Mandate.
It is a strange and weird time.

It was not a peaceful protest.

I pray for peace for those who feel the anger of  injustice.

I think what is needed at times is to walk in the shoes of others
and try to understand their ways.

Mathew 5 quotes Jesus as saying there are blessings in all we experience.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

It was very cold out yesterday, and even colder yesterday.

Randy was off so we headed out early to get some things done but ended up no where we wanted was open so came back home defeated. Had a quick call with Stephen to catch up and then went out again.

Ended up very little got done in the whole day. I want to start painting the living room today, we will see.
