Saturday, February 12, 2022


                                             We enjoy walking with Spenser enjoying the light on the water and the calm and quietness sitting on a bench together.  Seeing all the other families with children and dogs for some reason  reminds me of growing up in Saskatoon. Wed to walk along the River Bank. Today dad sat on the bench and Spenser and I walked around and talked to other dog people. It takes an effort for me.

I needed to feel calm as I was having trouble with my computer.  I stayed up late and then got up early to try again.  I am now on my old one and now that the mouse is working I am happy with it for now.  I am sure Sandra will help me when she is allowed to be out and about.

It was good to see Carol and Panteli.  She needed to relax and enjoy her visit with Kim and the family and she did.  /she is fasting for a few days as this has helped some with this disease. I will be glad when she finds out the result of her cat scan she is having this week. A miracle would be nice!

Randy seems to be not terribly sick but I hope Sandra does not get it.  There are too many people in this family struggling with health problems.

It is a worry.  We all need to be tough as we try to do our best.  We live a day at a time and keep hoping for better days ahead.  Sometimes this takes all the courage I can gather up but I believe in our family and our future together. 

Time for our inner strength to kick in. Time to pray for each other.

Love is the light that shines in our darkness,


1 comment:

Sandra said...

Darn computer problems! Next time try calling me.

Hopefully Randy is all better today and can be back to work Monday.
