Tuesday, February 22, 2022


I did not realize how many sounds I   was missing until I put my hearing aids in.

I love the sounds of nature
the wind in the trees, the birds chirping
water flowing
the laughter of children. 

Quiet music.

The little dog at the park with his little bark trying to scare the ducks.
1t was cold when we walked around the pond with a wind chill factor of -5.
It was cold.

I miss the voices of friends coming to visit.
Looking forward to have Pat and John and Nick and Dorena come over on Wed.

I was thinking of my friends and then about church.
I realized I was missing hearing the scripture read.

I am reading it out loud to myself now.

"God is our refuge and strength 
a very present help in trouble
there we will not fear."

 The Lord of Hosts is with us.
We are not alone.



Ken Bennett said...

Yes it is nice to hear things the first time! Not having to have them repeated. We have our house up for sale. it may be a while because we still have repairs and painting to do.

Shandel said...

I love listening to nature. I find it very soothing. I am glad you have that option again.

Ken, we are in a similar experience. Going to paint and get our condo on the market. I hope they both sell quick!