Friday, February 24, 2023


                                            We are in the game called life and we are trying to be agreeable.

Yes we would like to stay in our home if we can make it a safe place.

We could get a chair to go up and down the stairs.

I talked to Laura this morning and she would agree to come Tues. and Thrusday. from 12:30 until 3.  We can talk about this at the meeting at oir house on Sunday.  Come and bring your ideas and some food.

I am trying to start each day with a positive and calm attitude.  We all have been stressed and that has not been good for oir family.  Our attitude towards life shaped our lives in the past and we want to try and continie to be agreeable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wishing you and your family a good meeting today. Hoping for a good solution. I have a friend. Who is making choices too. She has decided to go into assisted living where the marks are made for you. A one bedroom suite. But small. No kitchen abd ut is $4,200 a month. I could hardly believe it. Wow. It is a top notch facility where all meals are gourmet. She is selling her river front house and wants 899,000, but I doubt that in the market now. Anyway she is happy. I know there are independent suites for seniors that are a lot less. I am sure there are lots of choices where you are. Plus you can choose to stay in your home. But decisions decisions! Sometimes the support for seniors ( family) get burned out, so that is something to consider too. I wouldn’t want to leave our home either. But it may come one day.
Big hugs to all.
How are you doing with all the snow?