Wednesday, February 1, 2023


                                                    Cold with snow covering the bushes.
I look out and I am glad I can just stay home and keep warm and comfy.  It was not to be as Sandra and Randy came in and telling us to put on our jackets we our off to the bank.  We arrive and were directed into a back room.  There appear a stack of paper sitting there.  And guess what there are dozens of them all that we need to sign.  To be honest no one really explained to us what we were signing.  It all seemed complicated

Even dad was worried when we got back home.  Since we were buying the new place before we had sold the home we have now we need a loan to pay for it before the sale goes through.  It feels like we are going into a lot of devt with big payments

WE  both feel like we do not know what we have signed and are now are in debt.  Sandra and Randy sign that they will support us.

To-morrow night we sign the last og the pappers and we will own our new home.

It has two bedrooms and dad can have one for a study.  I hope my computer will go in their two.An elevator takes us down to the under ground parkimg. We will be learning a new way of living.  Laura will not be able to come and help is.  We will miss her and her cooking but also her interesting conversations and her laughter.

It has a big balcony with big trees to give us privacy.

Rick has been coming over on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Carol invites us for supper at least once a week.

Ken has made plans for Melina's birthday.  I keep forgetting to sign and mail her card.  I will do that in the morning,

I also will be busy cleaning out our place.
I will miss our friends and maybe God has some new friends for us.



Steady-as-rain said...

Well, everything is on hold regarding the new place for at least a month. So time to re-assess where we are.

Dad's appointment with Dr. McIbhir is put back to Feb 27th.

The blister-packs are due to arrive today at the Safeway Pharmacy. I will likely come over on Saturday to fill up the pill tray for the week, and do a little more with Dad regading labelling photos and so on.

Laura knows you are not moving right away.



Shandel said...

This is so exciting, grandma and grandpa. It will be a lot of work but very much worth it. I am sure you guys will fall in love with it and still keep all the fond memories of the old one. Xo good job. And you are definitely in good hands with Sandra and Randy. They love you very much.