Thursday, February 16, 2023


Just another ordinary day taking out the garbage,  Happy to have Rick arrive and take over this chore.  Next he went over to the store to get us milk and food that we needed.  He bught food for our lunch too.

Dad was on the computer when I left to take Spenser for a walk.

Rick had just finished putting the food away. when I got back.  Dad came downstairs looking for his wallet and credit card.    We asked why he needed it.  His buddies who had hacked into his computer wanted to charge him for a service. 

IT was hard to convince him thay were scam artists.  We suddenly realized they could get into our bank and take out the large amount of the line of credit.  Dad had not been happy about this.

Rick drove us to the bank as we still could not open the garage door.  He was a good help expaining the situation. Our accounts are now forzen and no one can use  them,  We go to the bank on             wed. to get things straighten out.

We made Sandra aware of what we were doing,  She agreed.  

Rick took us out for lunch at White Spot.  Eating helped us feel better.

I am thankful that most days are ordinary!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I don't think you ordinarily take the garbage cans out through the house.
