Thursday, February 2, 2023


 We appreciate everyone in our family who want the best for us. 

We understand why it was decided we should move out of our home.  Sandra took on the task of finding places for us to look at.  Dad got tired right away and then I got tired and I was worried that it was stressful for Sandra.  I told her I was interested in the first place we looked at.  She took us back to have a second look and dad also went to look.

This morning Rick came over to share what was in the minutes of the last meeting of the complex.

He gave no suggestions and left the room to let us decide ourselves.  We do not want to burden him with this problem at this time as he is still having health issues.

We are okay with just taking things slow.

Should we sell first?  I find it stressful.  Sandra knew that.  Dad is worrying about the fiancing that would be needed if we buy before we sell.

We are blessed to have a caring family.

It was all my fault.


Anonymous said...

I know how awfully difficult it is for you to leave your home of so many years Beth. But I know remaining there puts a strain on your family. It is hard for all. Once you have made a decision things will begin to lighten up. Sure there is a lot of work to sell and get moved. But you will be so glad once you do. Life will be much easier for all.
In a few years we will face the same thing. Especially last living so far from our health care providers. The nearest emergency room is often 80 kms away. Pine falls hospital emergency has been closed mostly for a year.
Once our dogs are no longer with us I think we will move to a condo. In Selkirk ir winnipeg. Hopefully the dogs will live a long time and we will be healthy.
Ken can look after all the snow and do all the wood cutting and look after the stove. But he is getting older too.
So think of the big picture, how staying in your home affects everyone. You need a lot of help and support to stay there.
I think we look forward to the time we will sell and move to an easier life. Just take with us what we truly need! Leave the rest to family or charity. Go with the flow, is what I tell my art students.
I will keep you in my prayers for some good decisions.
Love to you both,

Shandel said...

I think they call those bridge loans. They will loan you what you need to buy now and then when the house sells you can take that money and put on the new mortgage loan and pay it out. Or pay however much you need. I think that is how it all works. Something like that. It isn't too bad to do. You know your house will sell no problem, I'm sure.

Ken Bennett said...

I hope your feeling better today Mom.