Thursday, February 13, 2020


                                  I appreciate the sun coming out even when it is late in the afternoon.

Dad and I appreciated thenice long l from Ken.  
They would like to move but it is important to move close to where the children will go to high school.  This starts next year for Mathew.

There neighborhood is changing too.  Some people are hard to get along with I agree.

We are fortunate to have good neighbors although one of our neighbors complained about Kore and Natasha feeding the crows.  They had a visit from the police complaints department.  They sent around a letter saying sorry but  did not think what they were doing was wrong.

The crows got into the blue boxes this morning I think in protest.  What a mess.

Dad really appreciated his eye specialist who did a good job and removed his stiches painlessly.
He also ordered him eye drops which have helped his eye feel better.  He goes next month to get his
bottom eye lid raised.

A friend from church mat drop by this afternoon.  It is so easy to lose touch.
We appreciate a visit.

I miss our monthly get together when I went with dad to the doctor.

"How far you go in life will depend on how tender you are with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong.

Because some day in life you will have been all of these,"
 -George Washington Carver.


Anonymous said...

That Carver fellow sure hit it out of the park - even if we are not giving
it that much thought, I would like to think,in some small way, we are giving
off a little of this way to treat others. We are all going to be in most of these situations at one time or another.

Your loving husband Happy Day before Valentines day

beth bennett said...

Yes Dear
That is very thoughtful.

Happy Valentine's Day

Love Beth

Sandra said...

Randy and I plan on going out for breakfast this morning. We typically dont do anything for valentines day but I have taken the day off work and dont plan on opening my school books and just want to do something different.

Mary is now seriously considering moving to Kitchener. While the idea of moving to Edmonton is wonderful, the nursing situation right now makes it the worst time ever for Mike and his girlfriend to be finding jobs. A very had choice for Mary, but she will be looking out for what will be best for her and the kids.


beth bennett said...

Good you could both take the day off.

Good dad for working in the yard.

Love mom