Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Birthdays area time to express our love and appreciation that we share being a part of the life of another.
Dad had a wonderful time telling stories and sharing his experiences with the family one where able to come.

Sandra and Randy thank yo so much for the good food and the good time we shared.

We missed Rick knowing he wanted to be there.

We came home to hear that he is awfully sick.
He has the flu and pain in his stomach which he feels is the liver.
His land lord upstairs will take him to the hospital if he gets worse.

It breaks our hearts to hear the pain and suffering he is going through.

I pray that in this time of pain and darkness he feels the love and concern of all our family.

We prayed for peace during the night and healing to come in the day time.  Hopefully  he gets InTouch with the doctor to receive the treatment and reassurance he needs.

Dear God, be with our dear son Rick and restore his to health and wholeness.

The little ones are a real blessing.
Being a loving grandparent fills our hearts with joy!

I enjoyed spending some time with the little ones.
The two girls and I walked to the park with Spenser.  I was thankful that Carol came along.

Thankful Tasha came after her busy day at work.
Thank you to Justice writing in the card
thinking it was my birthday.
A good laugh about that.

Lord Jesus
in the name of the Father and the Holy Sporit
heal and restore Rick to health and wholeness.
Heal the deep wounds within.

The family love you and are with you too.

We are thankful for his landlord will drive him to hospital if necessary.

Love mom

Happy Birthday Dad!  !  !


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dad!

That is sad to hear Rick is feeling so sick, especially hard since he is not closer to us all.

I am glad dad got to tell some stories, some that where new to people apparently.

Randy did a great job cleaning up last night so I did not have to spend a lot of time doing it this morning, which is what I usually do.

Mary has court tommorrow, they will be trying to settle the financial stuff, so the last of it.

Shawna gets her ultra sound on Thursday and finds out if they are having a boy or girl.

I have a mid term test on Saturday so will be glad that I get that out of the way before Cameron and Shandel get here on Sunday.


beth bennett said...

That will be a relief Sandra

Looking forward to Shandel and Cameron.

Carol and Panteli want to take us out for a birthday supper.

We are very blessed.

Love mom and dad