Monday, February 17, 2020


Well battle was a very strong word. but we use it every day.  We battle the traffic , the weather too hot or two cold, We battle against  change and prejudice.  We battle germs that are life threating etc.

We did make it to church where a visiting minister spoke about  her experiences in living on the coast close to native communities.  At first there seemed to be a wall that separated them.  A wall of bitterness and mistrust.  Slowly as they heard each others stories the way for reconciliation opened up.

The church offered it's apology.  Change will not be easy and will take hard work an effort on both .

Last evening Carol and Panteli drove us to see the war movie dad had expressed an interest in seeing.
We seem to need to see the violence and destruction to remind us of the sacrifice of all those young men.

Why did the writers of the old Testament tell of the wars and violence that occurred throughout the story of the Jewish people.  They like others believed that God was on their side and to survive wars had to be fought.

When will we realize that senseless violence is not the answer?

Protesting that damages the lives of others does not seem right to me.

I have walked on peaceful marches with happy walkers beside it.

Life is full of questions and challenges.

We need to come together with forgiveness and humility.


Sandra said...

It seems to me that this is just as much retaliation as concern for the environment.


beth bennett said...

YES Sandra good point.

So many people are suffering.


Thanks to you and Randy for dad's birthday dinner!
Great food and laughter and love!

Love mom