Monday, December 20, 2021


i use to dream of having a white Christmas,
In Saskatoon we usually did,

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage,
to pursue them,
Walt Disney

Reading the Cospel again I noticed that Mary was visited by an angel to receive a message that would change her life;
where Joseph was told in a dream
to take Mary to be his wfe.
It all seemed impossible to both of them,
Some of us have manager to find a dream job
that  gives us happiness, 

Some of us have found romance with the love of our life.

Some of us have wonderful children and grand children  who we are very proud of. 

Some of us are very healthy
so we enjoy our lives.

Some of us are surprised with new dreams we never Mary.

Sometimes our dream does not come true
or we realize we need to dream a new dream,

This when I find I need to pray and be open to the lessons life is teaching me,
I need to trust that God's healing comes in surprising ways,
Yes I may be weak but he is strong.
It took years of waiting for the doctors to diagnose my celiac,

Yes I have my new hearing aids.
They will take a while to get used to them.
I need to learn to put them in and to change the battery,
I can hear better but I still need people to speak clearly.

I was thankful Panteli drove me to may appointment in Tsawwassen and Carol drove me home.
Sandra was on stand by.

Dad stayed home and sanded the kitchen floor,

I am thankful for a caring family,
Nice to talk to Kim today,
She says I have a second cousin who I did not know about,
I never dream that I had a second cousin.

We must never with God all things are possible.stop dreaming.




Steady-as-rain said...

New dreams are always welcome. Keep us moving.

I am still working a little bit even thought the "office" is closed (there is no actual office). Trying to catch up with things that I fell behind on the last few weeks. I am dealing with some specialized mining engineers located in Australia, so I often think of Kenny when I am talking with them.

It is pretty cold here this morning. Minus 20. Luckily the landlords have a little snow-plow thing so I don't have to do much shoveling. I don't go much at all these days. Mainly go to the grocery store.

Nice of Panteli and Carol to drive you back and forth to Tsawwassen.

I will be trying contact lenses, as the eye-doctor thinks my "progressive" glasses might be too hard for my stroke-damaged brain to deal with. So the idea would be that I would use the contact lenses for "normal" things, and then use "readers" (2x power, probably) to use the computer and so on. Not the best arrangement, I suppose, but makes things easier on the brain.



Catherine G said...

Beautifully said, Beth. I'm deeply appreciating your Christmas messages. Bless you.

kim said...

The snow sure looks beautiful! Grampa was sanding the kitchen floor? One day he is in pain and the next he is on his hands and sanding the floor. Good for you Grampa! Yesterday Grampa ask me about the time he saved my life. I was two years old and was shoving a pile of pennies into my mouth. I started choking and Grampa quickly grabbed me by the feet and shook me till the pennies came out. That’s how I remember it anyways.