Friday, December 24, 2021


Christmas is a sign of God's grace and his desire to be closer to those He loves
Love for all even the unlovable! !

Christmas is a me to feel loved.,

The falling snow this morning was so quiet and so beautiful.
God's grace is quiet and transforming,  

Laura is cleaning off our driveway,

God trusted His son Jesus to speak for Him,

His relationship to his Father was a lesson for all children especially father and son,

Silence and prayer is the way I talk to my Heavenly Father.

It helps me to begin the day with His strength and courage,

Religion has replaced His Grace!

How sad!

How beautiful!!




Steady-as-rain said...

It is snowing here today, as well. I was going to drive down to the Post Office, but decided not too because of the snow. I was going to get a few groceries too, but I won't starve between now and Boxing Day.

Sorry, I didn't send out any Christmas cards this year. I meant to, but just got too sick.

Please be very, very careful if you go out walking in the snow.



Shandel said...

We received a huge dump of snow in time for Christmas. Very cold now too. -25 feels like -35. Brrr. We are looking forward to time off. Merry Christmas Eve!