Saturday, December 18, 2021


Christmas is a time to feel hopeful,

Yesterday dad had a very painful day,
He felt shocks that jerked his body around,

I met my friend when I went for my early morning walk she has painful feet like dad,  She recommended gaba penton,  Dad found that later in the day it was helping,  He was able to have a big rest,  And we are feeling hopeful this morning,

It snowed really heavy in the night bit now it is raining,  Spenser and I will just walk around the block,  Dad should probably not drive,  

We worry about our children and hope for better health and strength in the New Year,
Especially for Rick,  It has been a tough year for him,
Hopefully he will make the best choices for the future,



nancy-Lou said...

My goodness you have had a lot if snowy days. We need snow. Drought conditions are worrisome all they our province.
Spenser gets you out fir walks. That is good. Our dog does too. He is a Schnauzer. Lovely mellow fellow. But it is cold here. -20. Too cold to walk him more than 6 houses and back. I will find his booties for today.
I take gabapentin too, for nerve problems in my legs and feet. It helps a lot.
I do hope Rick feels better. My goodness he has had a difficult year hadn’t he?
I haven’t been able to comment on your blog because I cancelled my google account. But re newed it, so hopefully this reply will post.

Wishing you both a lovely day.
Love nancy

Ken Bennett said...

Looks like a lovely week ahead with sunny skies and temps in the mid-'20s. Kids home on school holidays. They went to the movies yesterday, Jasmine and Matthew with their mutual friends. looks like covid will affect Christmas this year with some states shutting their borders.