Friday, February 4, 2022



LIFE is very different.
We miss seeing some family members.
We miss getting together with friends.
We are tried of staying home.
There is a sadness. a feeling of aloneness in their voices.

We are all human beings with our strengths and weaknesses.
We have the choice to grin and bear it or keep complaining.
Can we learn to find new growth like the little buds starting to push their way through the hard soil?
Even Spenser had a bad day and refused to go for a walk.
Thank goodness he is okay today.
He gets his shot which always perks him up.
Dad and I would like to take the same shot.

There has been too much emphasis on the death of  Jesus and whether we can believe in the resurrection.  I believe if we believe in the words he taught us in showing us how to live and love one another our lives can be changed.

We are human beings all created to be different but created to our own person.
We are on a journey to become the best person we can be.
It is a spiritual journey lived by faith and by God's grace.


1 comment:

Sandra said...

I dont blame Spencer for not wanting to walk, I put up a fuss too. But once we get out and I am all bundled up it is not too bad.
