Sunday, September 11, 2022


                      It is amazing how we form friendships and how they are always there for us.  

Going to church has been a blessing, the blessing of friendship,

Opening the door I smell the smoky air again this morning.

I did not sleep well last night and one reason I was concerned about Spenser.  

Little worries seem to take on a life of their own at night.

"Embracing life is a choice"  Embracing friendship takes trusting others with your hopes and dreams

A new born baby reaches out to hold your finger and this is a miracle.  

WE do need friendship and love.

Dad was very happy that his picture has been and will be important to our family,

Tony Only whose style he was copying became a good friend as they both loved flying and painting.

Thanks Rick. 

My Sunday reading Is "The Grip of Grace.".

God's love is amazing.



Ken Bennett said...

I hope Spenser is ok. We have some warm sunny breaks but it looks like rain every day for the next week. Jasmine won her semi-final in basketball, and she plays in the grand final this Saturday.

Sandra said...

If it isn't one thing it is another. I hope Spencer was more settled last night so you could get your sleep.