Wednesday, September 21, 2022


                                             I was hopeful that the bladder infection would be the answer to why I am extra tired.  I was thankful that I could go and get it checked out. I guess it is just old age.  I do wish I had more energy and could sleep in a bit longer.  Why wake up when it is still dark out?

I have felt like I was failing to live a life of hope and courage and gratefulness.

Spenser is trying to get out and have an adventure running away.  It is very difficult chasing after him.

Grateful that Laura came today and made us a good lunch.

Grateful that Carol and Penteli dropped in for a visit.

It seems like Rick has a plan to bring thing down here and then go back and clean up.  A lot of driving.  

I would suggest paying some one to do it.  I worry about his heath.  How are you doing with the walking Rick?

Trying to live by faith and trusting God is not always easy.  Anything worthwhile attaining takes effort.

We do not want to feel inadequate but sometimes we do.

A day at a time with a grateful heart and spirit keeps me going..

Grateful for phone calls from Jane and Brian

Grateful for the books I pick up at the little book stalls.


Sandra said...

Your new camera came yesterday, Randy will pick up the memory card and I will bring it over on Saturday when we go golfing with Carol and Panteli.


Anonymous said...

People who are suffering from significant dehydration often find that they feel extremely tired, lethargic, or fatigued...

The moral of the story is DRINK MORE WATER


Anonymous said...

People also ask
Can dehydration make you extremely tired?
As dehydration progresses, the body redirects blood to the working muscles and away from the skin, impairing your body's ability to diffuse heat. The increase in internal heat then results in muscle cramps, light-headedness, and fatigue.Aug 24, 2021

Anonymous said...

What does dehydration fatigue feel like?
Image result for does being dehydrated make you tired
1. Fatigue. If you're dehydrated, you may feel more tired than usual ( 2 ). This is because dehydration affects every aspect of health, including your sleep-wake cycles.

Anonymous said...

However, what you might not be so aware of is how dehydration can affect melatonin, the sleep hormone. If you’re chronically dehydrated it can gradually reduce your levels of essential amino acids which are needed to produce melatonin, throwing off your circadian rhythm and making it harder for you to stay asleep.5

You should also consider that your body will naturally lose fluids as you sleep so if you don’t go to bed properly hydrated, you’re going to feel the impact the next

Anonymous said...

''Women who consume high levels of caffeine are 70% more likely to have urinary incontinence than women who don't," says Jon Gleason, MD, an instructor and fellow at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Medical School's Division of Women's Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery.

Ken Bennett said...

WOW, suddenly I am thirsty.