Tuesday, September 6, 2022



What a celebration!

Sandra and Randy had transformed their yard into a fairyland of color and beauty.
My camera did not work although we had recharged it.  I am so disappointed.
There was a square tent over the seating area with lights and decorations making everything look bright and beautiful.  It was magical and breath taking.  It made you feel so happy just to be there.
                 The pool was also so inviting and right away Carol dove in.  Soon she was joined by Theresa and later Sandra and Tasha.  Everyone was full  of life and happiness.

What a birthday memory this will be.

Too bad Leah and Craig and the girls were not able to come.

Dad and I enjoyed the chatter as we sat around the table loaded up with all the food that people brought and Sandra provided.

Sandra and Randy you must have worked so hard.  .Thank you for making it so special.

I am sure you guys took pictures.

It was fantastic!  It was truly amazing.

Love was EXPRESSED with lots of good bye hugs,


Ken Bennett said...

Way to go Sandy and Randy.
Another day another test for Melina. She has a PET scan on 19sep.

Sandra said...

Could have sworn I commented yesterday.
Glad that you had a good time, even though our group keeps getting smaller it is nice to get together.
How did things go with the foot are nurse?