Sunday, February 23, 2020


                                                My garden is full of ugly barren sticks.

                                                  It is a slow process to cut them down.

Rained again this morning.  Dad and I spent a very lazy morning.  No we did not go to church.  We wanted to save our energy for Shandel and Cameron's arrival.  We are invited over about 4:30.  Carol also phoned to invite us over wow two invitations.

Earlier I had done some spiritual reading which included scripture reading.

"Yes my soul finds rest in Him and my hope comes from Him",  Psalm 62:5

Spirituality is found in paradox where we confront our helplessness and powerlessness, our weakness and woundedness to sick to understand our limitations but also our potential to be healed and restored.

There is no need to blame anyone for our errors, neither ourselves or a divine being or anyone else.

The spirituality of imperfection speaks to those who seek meaning in the absurd chaos that is life.

"The Lord is near to the broken hearted and saves the crushed in spirit.".  Psalm 34:18

With the change of seasons the barren will bloom again.


Shandel said...

We enjoyed visiting yesterday and looking forward to more catching up and visiting. Also meeting Spencer!

Sandra said...

You must have been tuckered out still, no blog yesterday. I have to work today but then will take the rest of the week off. Will have to find something fun to do.


beth bennett said...

Thanks Shandel and Shandra

Yes I was tuckered out!

Love mom