Friday, April 23, 2021


Taking it easy.
Enjoying the beauty of spring.

Dad enjoyed his porridge this morning.
We will enjoy a normal daily routine.

I got his pills all organized.
New ones to be taken at different 
Dad needs to check it out.

I feel a bit numb.
I feel a little afraid.
I feel uneasy.
I feel angry because it should have been diagnosed sooner.

We are now facing a New Challenge.
with a hopeful heart and a grateful spirit.
We have come through difficult times before.

I pray for strength and courage for us both.

It all seems a little unreal although we expected this outcome.

Waiting for the results of the test.
His growth may be cancer .
It will become cancer if it is not.

Take a deep breath and be calm.


1 comment:

Ken Bennett said...

I guess just wait till the 28th and find out how bad the growth is. Then go from there. Jasmine has her basketball game on this morning, Melina volunteered me as scorer.
I hate to say it but I did tell Dad the Canucks would probably lose against the second worse team in the league !!!