Monday, April 5, 2021


Watching my garden become free of weeds.
Sandra does an amazing job!
Thanks Sandra.
I see all the parents at the park watching over their children as they run, jump, slide and swing.

There  is a presence, I call God, who also watches his children with great love and compassion.  There are times when I feel that presence and their are times I feel very alone.  Jesus on the cross felt abandoned by God, his Heavenly Father. and cried out in pain.  Where are you God?  He was watching and suffering  seeing his Son suffer.  Doing what is right is not always easy.  Sometimes we make life more painful that it needs to be. 

I was happy when dad made eggs for our lunch.  I was hungry after my walk and so was Sandra after her hard work.

I had along talk with Brian.  He is recovering slowly and shares his depest feelings with me.  I heard a new side of him I never knew before.  He and Traudel always put on happy faces the few times we got together.

The Words in scripture remind me I am not alone.
I need to be brave and compassionate.
Miracles happen as we reach out to help others.



Anonymous said...

That is quite the hair doo I had.

Our current momma cat is always calling to her babies, most of our moms are silent and I am always amazed that the kittens learn anything.


Ken Bennett said...

We had a nice Easter, had Sunday at Melina's sister's house. Nona made her famous Pasta Forno. Melina and the kids went for a bike ride/walk yesterday. I stayed home as there was not enough room in the car. The kids have two weeks holiday now.