Thursday, September 29, 2022


 Happy anniversary to us.  I take the garbage out and dad walks Spenser for a little walk.  

We will eat out.

Yesterday as  finished writing in my blog I started praying that I could bless some one that day.,

Well to start with I could find the things dad has been looking for. Two of which I had touched.

He had forgotten his appointment at the dentist because the appointment book had gone missing.

That would be a good start.  The dentist phoned and he went right over.  He now has two new teeth.

His Cheezies on a very  high self.  I think Laura hid them,  The other two items ere found.

We went to the library which was good but I left my purse at the automatic check out.  We got home and phoned the library.  The clerk said it was strange because a young person came in saying he was picking up a brown purse,  Yes it was mine and he threw it away at the park after taking the money out.

A kind Mexican lady found it and later phoned us.  We were so happy.  We gave her a little money that we had laying around.  She had no money and had been going around to look for cans to recycle and receive a bit of money.  She did not want to take it but we forced her to.

This was our way of blessing her and we were very happy to do it.

Honest people should be rewarded.  She was the answer to my prayer!


Anonymous said...

I guess it was that boys lucky day, most people do not carry as much cash as you do.
I am glad the cheezies were hidden up high, they should have stayed there.

Ken Bennett said...

Nice that you gave the Lady some money for handing in the purse. Bad karma for the boy. Happy anniversary.
Canada vs the USA in the women's world basketball championship tonight. Canucks game tonight at 730pm.