Sunday, June 7, 2015


No matter what age we are or what our job is there will be problems.  As children there was the stress of doing well at school and making friends and the ailments of childhood illnesses.
Being sick to your stomach is not fun at any age.

Then there is finding a career that may change as we get older.  Staying at home is called a rewarding task but often it is hard to keep in touch with friends.  As a young mother I would long for adult conversation even though children were a joy to listen to and be with.

Now dad and I are old.  It is frustrating not to be able to do what we use to do.  I hurt my back every time I try to lit something heavy and I find if I am down on the floor getting up is hard.  These things just creep up on you.  I can identify with the older and wiser crowd now.

Haiti and I stopped in to see Gundy on our walk back from the park.  Gundy does not fuss over Haiti and she is happy going in there hoping to find some crumbs on the floor.  Gundy wants to make the effort to visit me and I hope she can do that.  She is fearful especially about not being able to cope and look after herself.  She does well to dress nicely, go shopping and cook nourishing meals.  She is interested in the news which we discuss too. 
she is annoyed at the cheeky squirrels eating all her bird food.

Her daughter lives on acreage and they get water from a well.  She is extremely happy when it rains.  This spring has been very dry so she will have to buy water.

Some people find the years from 50 to 70 very hard as they fight off old age.  Of course when you are fatigued you find you feel old too. Being forgetful can happen at any age but I use to worry about it more but have decided to laugh it off a long with a lot of changes!  Simple awareness of things like breathing, moving and thinking are what keeps us going.

Yesterday both dad and I were in pain.  His feet have gotten more painful and I hurt my back moving a heavy bench.  I should know better.  We have breakfast and lunch outside but do little work.  A day to read and relax and watch girl's soccer.

The good news I read is that the brain shrinks with age. but lengthy jaunts appear to preserve gray matter volume in areas crucial for memory.  -The Academy of Neurology

So don't forget to get out of the right side of the bed.

In this world you will all have some pain and suffering but this does not make the Ancient of Days the cause of our pain because he suffers with us.  God confronts Job with his humanity which means he cannot understand God so do not blame Him or question Him. 

"Only the most abject suffering by God, as seen in Jesus suffering, could assuage man's agony."
-Timothy Keller

Maybe church with a swim after but it will depend on how we are moving!


nancy-Lou said...

So sorry to hear you both had pain is so debilitating and tiring. I hope today brings you relief from the pain and a much better day, Beth and Larry. I am so thankful for the drug Ritabub that has brought Carl relief from pain after so many years of suffering from his Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is expensive at $5,500 per infusion and there are two each year. Thankfully all we pay is the deductible on our Manitoba Pharmacare and they pay the rest. I wish you could receive a miracle drug like that and it would take away your pain.

Today is much like a foggy Vancouver day....the humidity is 100% and the fog creates an eerie it floats by. A friend is cutting the dangerous tree that split in the storm in May. It is leaning dangerously over the shop and if it falls it will damage it. Not an easy job for Ken.
It is very kind of him to do this.

I hope you are able to have your swim in that nice warm would ease those aches and pains. Have a great Sunday,

Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

The deductible is $1,200 a year. It is based on income.

beth bennett said...

Nancy I would like Larry to try that. Health is worth paying whatever it costs. Larry seems to have gotten worse lately and that is discouraging.

We are talking to our neighbors about the fence but would be depending on others to do the work.

Thank you for the information.

Enjoy your B.C. day

love beth

Anonymous said...

Worked late last night. Got home about 1am. Jasmine not well. Five days off for me. Hope you guys are enjoying the warm weather . Hope the pain subsides.