Friday, June 5, 2015


I was amazed again today how unobservant I can be.

This is a dogwood tree that I never noticed in my many walks around the park.  It has just started to bloom.

I entered the Seniors Home looking for the people I usually have a chat with.  There is a very big sitting area at the front which looks like a living room with chairs and love seats placed around.

I sat down to have a visit and Francis asked me if I had noticed the new furniture.  Wow I started looking around and saw new furniture, walls newly painted and oriental pictures and ornaments.   The more I looked the more I saw and was very surprised.  It looked totally different.  There had been old book shelves with books placed in a very disorganized fashion. 

Jim was not impressed but happy to say his daughter has returned.  He would not say much which is not unusual.    Yes, he had forgotten he asked that I not bring the milkshake so was disappointed when I arrived without it.  I can relate to being forgetful.  I try to make an effort to see the man he used to be and accept that life is very painful for him now.  I try to be cheerful and pleasant.

I observe that I am still learning about my self and the way I relate to others.  Some people are certainly easier to be with while others require my infinite patience.  The important thing to remember is that often I do not realize how important my thoughts, my attitudes and my beliefs may have on some one else that can be as important as any words I say.

Dad took Kim's car in to have it checked as he observed it making some strange noises.  He wants it to be good for Mary and the children.  She will be here before we know it!


Sandra said...

Well, I green tree in the midst of a bunch of other green trees does not really stand out until it does start to flower. Maybe you were not walking that way much last year.

I do not think Mary will bother to borrow the car. It is a lot of bother to be taking car seats in and out all of the time. But, you never know.

Redoing our life insurance, I know dad said term insurance is bad, but at this age the other one is just too expensive, should have done it a long time ago.

Have all the windows and doors open this morning, getting the house as cool as possible, suppose to be warm out today.


nancy-Lou said...

The Dogwood tree is very pretty in blossom. Tirza Ateah has a Red Elder shrub tree growing on her property that Roxie just identified. I was aware that they grew has red berries that the birds love but apparently are not suitable for people to eat. It is pretty is bloom too.

I have quite a variety of Lilacs in bloom right now and think they will be our subject for the painting class tomorrow. Our property has many different wild bushes blooming and the pollen can be overwhelming. It is so beautiful though. We live on a south facing hill and it is sheltered, so many different things grown here. The Jack Pine trees were letting their pollen escape in giant puffs of yellow.......every so often you could see covers everything, windows, cars and outlines puddles after a rain. Thankfully they are done now so the cleaning can begin.

I admire your faithfulness to visit the nursing home every Thursday, Beth and for visiting those who can be difficult, like Jim. We need housing for seniors who cannot remain in their homes, but want to stay in their community. We also need another nursing home....the closest one to us is a 25-minute drive one way and it only has 20 beds. It services a large area...which is such a shame. Many elderly people from here have to go to Selkirk and that is a 50-minute drive one way on very busy, beach traffic highway. Those are where are nearest hospitals are too.

Well, it is another beautiful day here and I read it is going to be nice and hot there too. Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

larry bennett said...

No I said Term is the best !! By far !!

With Term you are getting LIFE INSURANCE - if you die your inheiriters get all the money.

With all the rest you are buying (at a high price) DEATH INSURANCE - if you live you get some of what you payed into the plan . etc etc

Shandel said...

I have your blog back on my computer. i have been out of the loop on the daily blogs since Hawaii. Cameron had wiped my computer clean and re did some things so i had to get used to some new things. Now i have your blog back memorized on the computer bar so i can tune in daily again. Beautiful trees. I always think its a bit funny when out of no where i am like Hey i didnt see that before, how could i have not seen!? but i have been practicing mindfulness a lot more so hopefully that helps.

happy weekend.!!

Anonymous said...

Jim is worry. Never happy. Very cold here. Very busy at work ,lots of delays , and of course now one wants to accept responsibility for the delay..uggh! Matthew did well on his spelling test. Matthew got sick in bed last night at 3am ...ugh kids ...
and he has totally regressed and wets the bed every night now. I don't want to get nappies again but it does create a lot of washing .