Wednesday, June 3, 2015


A cooler morning. I am training Haiti to come by letting her off the leash for a short run at the park. I started by having a treat in my pocket but now if I pat my pocket she comes. This is the only way she gets to have a run.  Usually in the morning we have the park to ourselves.

Dad put all his energy into his comment on my blog so did not go for a bike ride.  Also there was a piano recital at our church by the young girl who plays for us on Sunday.  She is amazing and is now a candidate for a Doctor of Musical Art Degree.  I went by myself but it takes an effort for either one of us to go out at night now.

So sad when we are taught to fear others with a different culture and religion.  Sadder still is our need to convert them believing we have the Only Truth.

Sad when two drug addicts are converted to becoming terrorists by undercover police giving them praise and money and skill to make bombs.

Looking at the native schools the priests and nuns  were sent by the authority of the church to convert and Christianize what they considered to be ignorant superstitious heathen.

That is the major fault of religion when it uses its power to create fear and gain control.

I realize now how amazing it was for my dad to see the beauty of the Native art in their bead work and in their head attire and their creativity.  Art can speak to us when we have an open mind and new eyes to see through the eyes of another.  My dad learned from books;  not by actually living on a street where there were a lot of Native families and negative behavior was seen.

After dad retired he took up painting but mostly painted old castles and churches and homes from England.

God has promised to walk with us through our pain and suffering and calls us to walk with each other as human beings of worth  through the pain and suffering that others endured.  The truth is painful but when faced change is possible.

I have experience being converted in many ways and times in my life and still am aware of that need every day.


nancy-Lou said...

Convert....hmmm makes me think of another story. " The Angels of Mons".

AS a young man, my the minister at our Anglican church lived in England and enlisted in the army when WW1 broke out. He was in a battle in France along with his Battilion. They were losing the battle badly when an army of angels came down from the sky and saved them. There are stories on the internet regarding this. He said pretty much all of the men were "instantly converted" and became ministers when they returned to England.*bGY0P9xCjR6EkAZWKwt8F55ES-Cg0Jcjl0ULpSV1e8kIkoyfIwSBQ8sdrPhLxd5tSN0W/19150824AngelofMons40.jpg

It was really nice to read the story about your dad Beth and his interest in the arts. We were really steeped in the British traditions in our youth weren't we? There were such strong ties to Great Britain. Do you remember colouring the various Queen's or at the time King's crowns in school? I just saw Queen Elizabeth wearing the royal blue one with all the diamonds and various jewels....on the telly of course, not in real life that is for sure!

Today is a lovely day, with warmer weather moving in. I am going to work in the favourite place to be.

How interesting to read about the pianist at your church...getting her masters in music and art too? WOW that is quite an accomplishment. You are fortunate to have her play for the church...

Have a great day, you two!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

It is amazing how one story leads to another.

I find that when I go visiting, which I am doing today.

It is a lovely sunny day and the week-end is very promising.

love beth