Friday, June 12, 2015


Human beings are a mystery, even those we love,
 how well do we really know them
 even though we love them.

My four children are all very different and yet raised by me a stay-at-home mom.  This is not an easy job and requires many difficult decisions and  many difficult roll.

It is decisions like this that make you who you,  are for better or worse.

Life is an adventure when seen through the eyes of a child.

Ken was one of those kids that could never pass a telephone both without checking to see if there was any money in it.    And sure enough there often was.

Grama Bennett always sent the girls identical dresses in which I thought they looked so cute but maybe they did not.

Rick loved to go around shoeless which he still does today. 

But gradually they all have reached maturity and enjoyed children of their own, knowing that each one will develop in ways beyond the comprehension of the parents. 

Time is one of the most precious things we have as we travel along the road of life.  Dad and I had a strange day because we were both an hour off the real time.  Somewhere during the day an hour skipped by and when we thought it was one it was already two.  The both of us set off to take the milkshake to Jim for whom every day is a long day.


Sandra said...

Yes, it is amazing how we can all turn out so differently. It just goes to show that parents can not take too much credit (or blame) for their children's behaviour. Some of it is just who we are.

I am feeling 100 times better now that the fence is up around the pool. I know I would not have slept before, even with the alarm on and the doors locked I would have been imagining kids getting out of bed and drowning all night long.

I hope you and dad feel better today. Don't worry, be happy. There is after all really nothing that you guys have to do.


beth bennett said...

I make a mess wherever I am or no matter what I do so one of us should tidy up.

And who is going to let the dog in and out?

Good news you have your little fence put up to keep little ones safe.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

You are so right, Beth, our children are so different. Even when we just have two sons, they are quite different. One is a computer geek and the other doesn't like anything technical. Both are journeymen carpenters though and live almost next door to us in their houses.

We have a pet door and it saves us getting up a thousand times a day to let one of the three dogs out! It only works in the nice weather though because it goes from our three season sunroom to the fenced back yard. Very handy! Do you have a fenced yard for Haiti?

The gardens in Vancouver must be so beautiful at this time of year. Ours are just getting going.
The cucumbers and zuccini just have four leaves so one tomato plant has some small tomates because I bought it as a pretty large plant in a large pot!

The cottagers are coming to the beach in droves this weekend. With the nice weather, there are campers, boats, trailers and lots of cars on the highway. We made a trip over to Pine Falls, about a 25 minute ride and the highway was busy. I hope Mr Bear stays away from the cottage area and in the bush!

Well I wish you a nice evening,

Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, I still don't like shoes much. I wonder why?

My computer has been giving me troubles.

