Thursday, June 11, 2015


A very long night, a long walk to Coyote Creek & long prayers for Traudl and Brian.

Prayers are an expression of the heart flowing from the soul when we want to bless someone we love and care about.  I do not understand how this happens but like a lot of things these days I leave it in God's hands. 

Long wait to hear results that is the hardest part.

Dad and I saw two colorful butterfly's and a hummingbird flying around the flowers as we sat on the front steps.  Happy moments when we took time to discuss happiness sitting on the front steps together with Haiti at our feet.

Pain does drain your energy and enthusiasm for life but all we can do is try hard to get any treatment to improve.

Before we knew it, the time to go pick up Joyce was at hand.  When we got to the Seniors Home we found she had already left but we did not know with whom or where they were going.    What  a relief to see her sitting at the tea table happily chatting away when we arrived.  So many dear familiar faces that gladden the heart.
The church hall was alive with chattering people when we arrived.  It is a fun time to catch up on old friends who have moved away but who played an important role in our lives in years long ago.  I felt a little twinge of guilt about not helping but not for long.  I did for many years.

It appears that in this life we long for a life of meaning and purpose and we long to know we are loved and apart of a caring community.  This is why friendships are so important.

Brain phoned and the long day is over and Traudl is sleeping and pain free.  The main concern is her blood pressure which was away up but is coming down.  They hope they will be back hiking in several months but time will tell.

Today I will be back taking Jim a milkshake but we all need to receive more than we deserve.
Thank Goodness!


Anonymous said...

I wish there was something to help Dad's feet.

nancy-Lou said...

I am glad to hear that your Sister in Law is through her surgery successfully and now on the road to recovery. I added her to my prayer list and pray for a quick recovery for her. Surgery is difficult enough for younger folks...but especially difficult for us seniors.

Hummingbirds are so beautiful aren't they? We only have one species here, but I believe that you have a few. I love nature and had a special treat last night watching the fireflies. It was a perfect night for them, warm with no wind and I thought it should be their time to light up the night. They put on a tremendous show. hmmm I wonder if I could make a short video of them.

We had a city day yesterday but came home early because we had someone coming to cut our lawn and haul tree branches from the tree that came down in the storm. We ate at McDonalds, something we usually don't do, but I wanted to try their new salads and the country salad was delicious and only $5.95.

Today is your visiting day and my piano teaching day. One of my students has her exam today...I sure hope all goes well for her. Grade 5 RCM. Lessons cease for the summer soon, but I will miss my students! Back in September.

I liked your writing about prayers being an expression of the heart....very nice, Beth.

Well, it is lunch time...hmmm what to make?

Have a great day,
