Thursday, June 11, 2015


We have very talented people who make up our signs and put them so people will know the way.  We have a lot of people from the community that come to share a cup of tea.  We also have a lot of old timers that have moved a ways away.

I think it is a lot of work but believe it or not some people thrive on it.

Dad even had second helpings and enjoyed talking to some new visitors.   A friend make a shortcake biscuit for me to have with the strawberries.  She had invited two others who were also GF.

This is the second blog today as I just down loaded the pictures.  Off to the drop in clinic with a potential bladder infection.  Most uncomfortable.


nancy-Lou said...

Nice photos of the church tea, Beth. The parishioners look much like ours do...grey hair. I wonder what will happen to the church when our generation is gone? It is sad to see happen. The Plymouth Brethren Church at Grand Marais has a much younger age group, but they are a
faith based on believing exactly what the bible says. Fundalism....hmmmm a word I cannot find how to spell...well you know what I mean, I am sure.

Our church is having a yard sale on Saturday. I really should go and help out, but I have to teach art. I will donate some of my art.

Have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

Nice photos of the church tea, Beth. The parishioners look much like ours do...grey hair. I wonder what will happen to the church when our generation is gone? It is sad to see happen. The Plymouth Brethren Church at Grand Marais has a much younger age group, but they are a
faith based on believing exactly what the bible says. Fundalism....hmmmm a word I cannot find how to spell...well you know what I mean, I am sure.

Our church is having a yard sale on Saturday. I really should go and help out, but I have to teach art. I will donate some of my art.

Have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I watched the least we didn't lose. I got my golf clubs and our chain saw stolen from my car on the weekend. Matthew feeling better today . Going to see Jurassic World tonight.