Tuesday, June 9, 2015


As dad and I lose our strength it is important I think to grow stronger within ourselves.  Learning to laugh at ourselves is a good place to start.  Of course for me I gain strength in times of quiet prayer and that renews my faith, well to be honest there are times when it is not that easy.

Of course what we tell our selves influences how our brain re-acts.  I was thinking how tiny our little brain must be compared to that big brain that created us.

I think that for most people there will be times of losses and disappointments, frustrations and even poor health.

Nonetheless it is important to encourage ourselves by encouraging others.  It helps if I can trust God one day at a time.

Today dad took Kim's car in to be fixed and now it is back home ready to be used.

I talked to Traudl and Brian who are apprehensive about the major surgery she will be having.  Traudl has always been a happy soul with a good heart and she has been a blessing to my more serious brother Brian.  Now he is trying to crack jokes to keep her spirits up.

It seems like there comes a time in a marriage when the other person becomes your strength.


Sandra said...

So, the older you get the happier you get? Or should get. And Haytee was not a bother, her bark is not very loud. Does Treadle have a surgery date?

beth bennett said...

I would not say happier but hopefully stronger within,
Traudl's date in June 10 but they did not know the time. They are driving from Invermere to Cranbrook today where they will stay with Karl and Pat at their ranch there.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Soooooo getting older...in your seventies means....life's experiences make one stronger in dealing with many of the things life throws at you....but being an older senior means losing quite a few things that you value and with that comes sadness, depression and fear. Physical problems such as mobility, memory and health are just three things we value and they become more challenging the older we get. Yes, the future is uncertain and scary at times. For some faith becomes stronger and for others it becomes questionable. I am thankful I am still healthy, but I see these things in my husband, who is a few years older than I. It is sad. I guess the key here is acceptance. Not easy!

The strange yellow grey sky and blazing red sun yesterday really put the "fear of God" in to a lot of people. Even our minister thought "the Rapture was coming"! It was a very unsettling feeling and to add to it the humidity was really high, so the feeling was oppressive.

Today the air is fresh and the beautiful summer day has returned. Things are growing so quickly in the garden...especially the zucchini plants. yum!
We had a friends come and cut down the large maple tree that split and was leaning dangerously towards the shop roof. Now we I have to carry the limbs etc. out to the road where the municipality will pick it up. Good exercise.

Well, I am off to the local hairdresser to get my ears lowered!

I wish you a wonderful day...give Haiti a pat for me please,

Love, Nancy