Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Just a simple blog to match my low level of activity.

I am reading a simply delightful book called "As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust by Alan Bradley.  A story told by an eleven year old girl who solves  mysteries and has a critical eye and devious ways when judging adults.

I did some simple gardening, mostly watering.  I found two sunflower plants that Kim planted that were getting crowded out so I rescued them.

Dad went for a short bike ride and he is going to see the doctor on Monday.  He has to be honest about the amount of pain he is having and how it is effecting his life and also the families.

As for me sometimes not much happens in a writer's day, I have my walks and talks with neighbors and it is a simple life in many ways.

Today I am picking up Joyce from the Senior's Home and taking her to the Strawberry Tea.  Dad is coming too maybe on his bike.

It is harder to sleep when it is hot at least for us.


Anonymous said...

Went and got my mouth CT scanned. The surgeon will look and see if the bone graph worked.

Sandra said...

Fingers crossed Kenny it all looks good. I dont know about you, but I would hate to have to do the whole grafting thing twice.

Randy and mines lives are pretty much equally as non eventful. Randy is working nights again so I came home and did more general cleaning getting ready for everyone. Well, decluttering really, I will wait until the weekend before to clean.

Went through kitchen cupboards, cleaned out old files, got a few more pictures hung. Just puttered around until 8:30 then put on that mystery lady with all the fans going and all the windows open upstairs. Seems to do the trick, gets enough of a breeze going.


beth bennett said...

Hi, Ken do hope and pray you will get good news. Miserable and uncomfortable and painful procedure I am sure.

Dad's feet are worse but going to the doctor on Monday,

Praying for Traudl having surgery today to have her breast removed. She has high blood pressure so they will be watching that. Brian's blood pressure will be up with all the stress and worry.
I am off to church to Strawberry tea.

Ron Ateah just phoned to make sure today is Kim's birthday. She is enjoying it there Ron says.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Matthew got sick overnight , fever and croupy cough. Kept Jasmine home as well , she still has pains in her tummy??? ( not sure I Believe her ) sunny with a cold wind about . I have a bit of a chest cold as well . it is the cold and flu season down here.

beth bennett said...

Hope you all get better soon.

love mom