Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Time is a funny thing.  Sometimes it fly's by but once in a while is seems to switch gears and is extra slow.  Time actually can seem to slow to a crawl and every time you look at the clock the hands have not moved.

Yesterday dad and I were in complete agreement that is was time for both of us to go back to the doctor.  We both felt we were getting worse and I for one knew it.  What a team!

Dad realizes that when you are in pain you need to take medicine and I got some new pills that hopefully will stop the progression of the yeast infection that I thought was a bladder infection.  Although I think deep down I realized it was some thing more miserable.

The morning went quickly as we filled our prescriptions and did some shopping.  Dad even stopped at the liquor store for some orange drink that he had tasted at Jeff's house.

Carol dropped by for lunch and we got caught up in some of the news.  She even used the word "time" about going to their vegetable garden on the old farm property and had a small picnic there.

She said it was like going back in time.

She is now planning her future opening her own office to do counseling.  How exciting.

Now Haiti wants to stay out all night to wait up for the racoons.  I, for one, do not trust those mischief makers no matter, how cute they look.

Jasmine is now cutting her own hair.  Very modern styling. Thanks Ken for the picture.

I think it is time for change!  


Sandra said...

Well, I hope you both feel better very soon and time does not continue to creep along. One week till Moe and Sebby! Oh, and Mary. Then just 4 more days till Linkers and Stephen and Shawna.

Randy had all the windows open in the house when I got home from work yesterday thinking he was cooling the house down. Could not fall asleep till after 10 when it was a bit cooler.


nancy-Lou said...

Time and time again. An interesting topic. In modern times, we are tied to 'time'. Sometimes I feel like 'The Rabbit' in Alice and Wonderland....I'm late, I'm late for a very important date!
Always checking the clock...can you imagine how 'freeing' it must have been, long ago when they relied on only the sun to tell the time?

AHH Beth, I feel so sorry for you to have a yeast infection....my daughter in law used to get them and they are so annoying. Be sure to take probiotics and eat yogurt. I hope you feel better soon. Cut back on sugar too! But you probably know all this!

Pain is so debilitating ....it is important to take meds...otherwise it can really get a grip on you...Carl knows that and is pretty good at taking his meds for pain. We were just saying he has had 5 major joint replacements and one fusion ( of his ankle ). I do hope Larry has relief from his pain....

We are off to see our doctor in Winnipeg tomorrow...we go every three months...also have some errands to do.

Our weather has been picture perfect....clear blue skies and bright sunny days. My little deck garden is growing by leaps and bounds. Especially the zuccini! Yum.

Have a good day,

Love, Nancy

Now, that is great news, about Carol planning on opening her own office to do counselling. Good for her. Would it be in Delta? They are so fortunate to have a garden out at the farm....maybe you will be the recipient of some nice fresh produce from the garden!

Sandra said...

Did Dad mention the email, I was asking about Fathers Day Breakfast plans.

Steady-as-rain said...

I'm glad Haiti is on guard against those pesky raccoons!

