Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Some days I feel more confused than others.

Like a confusing weather report that did not match what was outside my window.  the radio saying it was windy and cold until I realized dad had the Toronto station on.

Then the kettle would not work until I realized it needed to be turned on.

Articles in the newspaper.
David Brooks who wrote a popular book on relationships called "The Social Animal" is now getting a divorced which does not seem like a good recommendation for his book.  Writers do not always live by what they tell others to do.

Weddings are easy - Marriage is hard!

Meditation has its dark side and is not an easy answer to be an escape from life even as it it meant to be living in the moment.  "The truth is no one thing works for all.  The spiritual journey is unmasking of oneself, (the ego) being more authentically yourself, and what ever leads us there can be an individual journey whether it is prayer or meditation or counseling.

I have not really been able to meditate very well so now it seems maybe that is a good thing.

The comics do not seem to be all that funny any more so that is confusing.  Certainly our grand children have different ideas about humor.  I like family circus and Dagwood and Blondie!

I have lost several addresses of grand children.  I phone Mary and Michael John instead of asking Sandra again about their address.  I do write things down and I think lists are very important as long as you can find it when you need it; like the list for the store when I am going there.

It wasn't so long ago that family were asking me for addresses like Ken's and Rick's etc.

Yes things change like the geese honking and flying overhead yesterday morning where flying north not south.

I am confused by the evil that is in the world and how does this relate to a God of love and mercy?

C. S. Lewis writes that the defiance of the atheist hurled at a apparent ruthless and idiotic cosmos is really an unconscious homage to something in or behind the cosmos which he recognizes as infinitely valuable and authentic, for if mercy and justice were really just private whims of his own with no objective and impersonal roots he could not go on being indignant.

The fact that he arraigns heaven itself for disregarding them means that at some level of his mind he knows they are enthroned in a higher heaven still.

Justice for me is part of a theistic framework.

"If there were no higher divine law-that define what justice is-there would be no way to tell if any particular human practice or experience was unjust or not,"  Dr. Martin Luther King.

There is a gift of peace that others have found even in a life that suffered abuse.  Hope comes not in the solution but on trusting a Higher Power to change us from within.


nancy-Lou said...

Well, I guess I was confused yesterday too....when I left the large laundry soap on the bottom of the cart. I am thinking I don't remember putting it in the van and it isn't here...so that must be the answer. I will check with the store, but pretty sure no one would turn it in. One time I made it out to the van without paying for two cases of soft drinks...they were on the bottom of the cart...boy was I embarrassed. They didn't even notice...but I went back into customer service and paid for them.

Yesterday was not a good day....it started out with the news that one of our local youth, a 17-year-old young man was found dead in his car at a gravel pit. He was very popular and worked at the local store. It was shocking and there are mysteries as to how he died...suicide or his own folly.
He played the drums in the band at the local church..The Wayside Chapel...not my church. They are Plymouth Brethren. Years ago they were a very strict church...no dancing, no makeup etc....now they are more modern.The church does a lot for the community in outreach...like an addictions meeting weekly, a teens evening etc. the minister is really nice...very kind and helps many who do not go to their church with problems.

Today is a much better start....beautiful soft morning, lots of cuddling with Bella. She had another wood tick. They are numerous this spring. I check the dogs every evening but missed this one near her eyebrows. They are so bushy.

So don't worry, Beth we all are forgetful at times....me too!

I enjoyed reading your quotes...

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes, Nancy I have left and forgotten things in the bottom of my cart.

Today I am typing using the wrong keys. Ha ha

Cold and wet here and not too energetic.

Lobe beth

nancy-Lou said...

Well, I don't feel as badly to know you have done that too! This getting old is not for sissies is it? Your typing using the wrong keys seems to be working pretty well!

oh, those cold and damp Vancouver days...0ne seems to feel them more as you get older.

Just take it easy then!

Max, our male Schnoodle has been jumping and biting at himself and I suspected fleas..although we have never had a dog with fleas before. So I called the vet and yes...they have some pills to give him to prevent fleas and ticks....at...are you ready for this? 6 pills (1 a month) are $130 per dog and we have three dogs. I am going to shop around. Our vet just built a new clinic and has associates now in a ritzy area and his fees have really gone up. Just an exam for a dog is $75.

Love Nancy

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Off today. Matthew doing very well at school. Fingers crossed !!! Jasmine home sick with a sore throat. Melina off today as well. Matthew excited to be getting a new Pokemon toy after school. ( reward for aceing spelling test)

Steady-as-rain said...

Too bad MLK wasn't around to hear my analogy of God is like an onion.

