Friday, March 1, 2019


                                             Litle houses for healthy seniors
Dad and I drove to Tsawwassen to see this place by St. David's church.  A lovely sunny day for a drive.  I thought we would drive to meet Sandra and Randy at White Rock but this was not happened.

Yes she has the shingles and should have gone in earlier. 

She has gallstones too.

Carol now has laringitus so all plans are on hold.

Dad feels like he is getting a cold. 


Client Strengths said...

Hi Mom. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I'm curious to learn more about Abbeyfield. I also liked yesterdays blog post about lose and challenges and such.
I'm still sick with laringitis this morning. Ben is going to a WhiteCaps game with his team today.Thats all my news.

beth bennett said...

Thanks Carol.
hope you are getting lots of rest.

It was so cold and windy there even though it was sunny.

Rick was involved there years ago.
I thought he might comment.

Dad and I are feeling tired today.
We did not feel up tp going to Oliver, Tavia's little guys birthday party.
They are so happy to invite us.

Thankful it is so nice and sunny.

Love mom

Sandra said...

The drugs I got are helping. Enough so that I got the guest bedroom painted. Randy went to work today so I should also think about making supper.

Mary and Chad have painted their bedroom as well, a dark colour as well. I think hers is more blue and mine is blue green. It a colour I keep coming back to.

All these memories and conversations and even arguments are certainly a shake up for us all. Kind of feel like we are all getting tossed up in the air like jacks and who knows how we will land. But, down deep we are still the same family. We still love each other and having some of the reasons for who we are and why we behave how we do should not change that.

The good and the bad exist in all of us and by judging someone else's "badness" to be more offensive than ours is kind of silly. Well, unless they hurt animals, or children.

Well, sitting makes my shingles hurt more so I think I will go work on getting the cat room ready for kittens. The momma cat was already checking out the deep in the closet behind the towels.

I am sorry for making you angry about not going to the doctor. I was in a lot of pain and had a dentist appointment and the cat appointment and while by the time I talked to you I knew I had shingles it took me a couple of days to realize it and the last time I mentioned I had shingles to Dr Notle he never told me to come in quickly if I got them again.


beth bennett said...

Thank you for your kind words.

I am finding I am still re-acting with anger when I get upset.
and I thought it was so unfair for you to get shingles
on top of everything else.

Quiet day to day.

Love mom

Shandel said...

Anger really can teach us lessons. It's an emotional like any other. Feeling it is good but I like to sit with where it's coming from and how I'm directing it. Your sharing these last few days is very touching and relatable.

Steady-as-rain said...

Abbeyfield is a good form of assisted elder's housing. I didn't know it had come to Tsawwassen, which is a good development.

