Saturday, March 2, 2019


The blue sky stretches out farther and farther,
The daily sense of failure goes away,
the damage that I have done to myself  fades away.
A million suns come forward with light
whenI sit firmly in that world.  -Kabir
Problems seem to come all at once and it is hard to see the beauty
that we can still experience with awe and wonder in the midist of it all.

We have made many mistakes and again today we got the date mixed up for Oliver, Tavia's little boy's birthday.  She phoned to see how we were.  I felt very badly.

We had a phone call from my brother Brian asking for prayers.  Traudlhas fallen and broken her tail bone and her rib.  She was in hospital but now is at home getting a care person coming morning and night.  Other than tat Brian is doing all the care.  She lives on the ground floor so he has to take meals up and down.  There has been problems with medication especially the Chemo for prevention of cancer.

Dad is having more problems with his feet and his balance.  Tis concerns us both.

None of us know what the future holds and it is a challenge to face each day with hope.

"In Chernobyl right in the contaminated area plants are growing and birds are singing."
- Rupert Sheldrake.


Sandra said...

Breaking your tail bone would be so frustraing as it would be hard to get relief.
I guess dad needs to have his cane nearby so he doesn't tip over.

Randy is home today so we are going to attempt the wall mural.


Client Strengths said...

I met Rupert Sheldrake when I was at Hollyhock! He was one of the speakers. Still have laryngitis.

nancy-Lou said...

I am sorry to hear thatLarry is having troubles with balance. I wish he could try Tai builds inner strength..( the core ) through gentle exercise. It is surprising how mnany men come to Kens classes. More that women. it could be because it is an martial art..although a gentle one! Sometimes I am the only woman there...
Tai Chi has made me feel as though I am 30 again.
Feel better soon Larry.

It is good to read that you are seeing some light now through the darkness you have been experiencing, Beth. I do hope you are over the worst and can now get on with life.
sometimes we need to make changes in things in order to move ahead...I have a dear friend I am encouraging to make changes and she is afraid, but moving on with a new job and a new place to live..which is my house, until she sees if things work out.

I know the changes that I have made have been so positive....but scary. Giving up my lovely home of 43 years was really hard..but so worth the effort. Just in the process of seeing things and cleaning it out and getting ready to sell...painting etc.

I am glad you could feel the BIG hugs and love...I know we all feel the same way...and are ...them to hugs. thanks for the many bl0gs you have thoughtfully written. Bonding your family and friends through your words.

Wishing a good day.
Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Dad and I went to church.

Phoned Rick but he was not at home.

Took a present into Carol's

Thanks guys