Tuesday, March 19, 2019


                                                   Day by day new flowers burst out in bloom.

Tuesday another busy day working in the yard an dad cleaned out the garage and cut the front lawn.  We then went out to buy a weed whacker to trim the front edge.  Yes we had lunch out at the North View Golf Course.  It is so peaceful there.

Then dad and I got dressed up to attend the thank you party for volunteers at the Seniors Home.

There was a speech about the importance of volunteers but no recognition of who the volunteers were and what they did.  Dad especially was disappointed.  I said hello to a view people I knew and then we left.  There was cake and goodies and even wine.

It has been thirty years that I have visited and I am one of the longest visiting volunteers.

I have enjoyed meeting and visiting and I know my visits are appreciated.


Sandra said...

I remember when I went to the first animal shelter volunteer dinner and Randy and I were not mentioned. I was very sad too. Just kind of takes the wind out of your sails a bit. Good thing we do not do it for the praise eh.

On my walk to Pilates last night I could smell fresh cut grass all over the place. I think we will do ours tonight.


beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandra
Dad was more uoset than me.

Yes lots of grass getting cut.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

That really sucks that you’re not recognise for your 30 years service of volunteering . ken

nancy-Lou said...

Maybe the management didn't realize that you had been volunteering for 30 years. That really is a shame though. they could at least have mentioned the names of the current volunteers.
Well I say, congratulations, Beth on over 30 years of volunteering at the nursing home. That is an amazing accomplishment...I am sure your dedication has been much appreciated by the residents there.

My goodness is will be some time before we have to get the lawn mower out. We open the blind each morning to white everywhere. BUT it is going quickly.

I am glad to hear that you are feeling better each day Beth. It has been a long winter here and the warmer temperatures and melting snow are cheering everyone up. We have had 5 straight months of white stuff...that is a long time. I like winter but wish it could be 2 months long!

I hear the Saw Whet owl each evening when I take Bella out for her walk before bedtime. It is the smallest of the owls, only about 5 inches tall and has a squeak rather that a hoot, but it is repetitive. Every 2 seconds.

Ken has an open Tai Chi class for all levels this evening so wwe are having an early dinner. We always do a set each morning, but tonight we will do two sets...that is 108 moves each set. Plus we have to get the 'chi' going by doing exercises first...so i will be well exercised!

he has a huge garden with an electric fence around it so there will be lots of work for us soon. I love to garden and look forward to having a section for my flowers. I had given up hope of having any flower at my house because the darned deer eat everything they can. Some people call them VERMIN and they spit out the words.

I have a large workshop on Saturday so must get busy packing up the supplies. it is a garden scene in watercolour.

Are you watching the Womens Worlds curling?

I wish you a lovely evening,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No Nance we have beenwatching the mens curling and now the figure skating.

The evenning for the vplunteers was planned as the residents saying thank you. They did with will a poem and a little skit and a song. The head lady said how wonderful volunteers are.

I think they should have at least asked the volunteers to stand up and be given a hand of appaluse.

Sounds like things are going well for you all.

Have a great day.

Love beth